Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Drones: The Future Of Business?

Council Post: Drones: The Future Of Business?


CEO at VINVELI, where he envisions a future rich with automation, where people and technology work together to build an intelligent planet.

Imagine a world where ordering a pizza resulted in a 20-minute delivery through your window… by a flying robot.

Well, that world isn’t far away.

In fact, it’s already happening. Maybe not through your window. And 20 minutes could be pushing it. But businesses are already beginning to take advantage of the convenience of using drones within their business operations. At my startup, we have been working to enable 24×7 drone services by establishing critical infrastructure such as docking stations to make this a reality.

Bringing Drones Into The Mainstream

As technology advances and plays a bigger role in our lives, consumers are beginning to adapt to a tech-centered world. Businesses are shifting away from physical brick-and-mortar locations to online businesses. This is due in part to the dominance of the internet since it continues to increase in availability and internet speed worldwide.

Plus, companies are realizing traditional overhead costs like payroll, building leases and more aren’t always necessary to start a 21st Century business.

However, one thing remains unchanged: shipping and handling charges. They’ve remained steady over the past decade. Postage services like UPS, FedEx and USPS have led the shipping game of the online retail industry.

As with many things, Amazon is stepping up to the fight in the shipping industry. But they’re not just thinking about trucks, trains or planes. They’re equipped with drones. Lots of drones. And they’re fast. The drone delivery system in development will reportedly be able to deliver packages in 30 minutes or less. Does that sound familiar? (Hint hint: Domino’s).

Amazon Prime Air is the name of the program looking to challenge traditional shipping methods and is now increasing its fleet of jets to compete more directly with UPS.

Jeff Bezos originally announced his drone delivery plans back in 2013, offering a glimpse of a new era of e-commerce. However, drones aren’t just being sought out by online entrepreneurs. They’re infiltrating nearly every industry.

Cops, Real Estate, Film

Drones are already being used as a delivery option in some cities. They’re also being used for emergency services as well as first-aid vehicles and tools for police departments.

Perhaps the most common commercial drone use to date is for high-tech photography and film. Drones are the independent filmmaker’s dream come true. They’re incredibly effective at capturing stunning overhead shots. Instead of having to pay tens of thousands of dollars on upscale film equipment intended for multi-million dollar movies, the average Joe can finally create films that capture the world from a new angle.

Drones have also transformed the modern real estate agent into a part-time video editor. Now, they’re able to put together a short film of a feature house for sale that gives off a Cribs-like feeling. Selling homes has never been easier.

Businesses To Support Drones

As drones become more integrated into society, one thing is certain: we’ll need people to maintain them and make sure they eventually don’t turn on us like The Terminator.

In 2015, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) predicted the drone industry will create more than 100,000 jobs by 2025 and will have an economic impact of $82 billion. The job growth predictions are centered around drone-centric roles like UAS technicians, programmers, operators, network administrators and software engineers.

In 2020, we’ve only seen a glimpse of what’s to come with drones in the business world.

The sectors most impacted have been e-commerce, entertainment, real estate and technology. But as federal regulations continue to ease, I believe drones will become a crucial component to most modern businesses.

The Nitty Gritty

Getting a Remote Pilot Certificate is the foremost important pre-requisite for commercial drone operations. In August 2016, FAA passed the Part 107 certification rule for anyone in the U.S. to operate drones commercially. You need to follow three important steps to get started:

1. Register your drone.

2. Pass the FAA Knowledge Test.

3. Complete FAA Form 8710-13 for a remote pilot certificate.

Once you have your certificate, make sure to continually educate yourself about regulations and compliance. Getting a drone hull and liability insurance is something you should not ignore to cover your risks. 

The future of drones is looking bright, and it’s already here. You’ll need to ensure your business is positioned to adapt to the new, drone-centered world.

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