Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Five Best PR Tips For New Brands

Council Post: Five Best PR Tips For New Brands


By Jon Clark, Managing Partner at Moving Traffic Media, a boutique digital marketing agency offering PPC, display and SEO services in White Plains, NY

Public relations is a must for new brands that are serious about getting the attention of potential customers and industry professionals. Unfortunately, for many new businesses, small budgets make PR one of the first things on the chopping block. 

Luckily, you just need a few essential strategies. Here are five of the most effective PR tips for new brands. 

1. Create memorable stories, not press releases.

Companies often feel pressured to come up with news that merits a press release. The problem is that what you come up with isn’t always newsworthy, which makes it look like you’re trying too hard. You’ll also risk getting a reputation for dull, nonrelevant press releases. 

Instead, use a customer-first approach. Think in terms of what customers want to read. After all, who doesn’t love a great story?

The ability to craft an engaging brand story is a huge PR asset. This isn’t permission to be overly creative. You still need to be authentic in your storytelling. Highlight a problem you solve, how you’re the hero in someone’s life and the value you bring customers who scratch below the surface. 

Notice that the focus isn’t on a boring fact sheet of accomplishments, but on the value you bring to customers. The same customer-first approach that works in content creation works for PR, too. 

2. Be responsive, and build relationships.

You’re not going to get anywhere with your PR strategy if you haven’t cultivated media relationships. In the digital world, relationships are often transactional and results-oriented. Being unresponsive, dismissive or irritating to just one member of the press can result in a domino effect of lost connections.

So, it’s important to take the time and effort to be someone the media can reliably turn to for credible, timely story ideas and relevant comments on industry-related topics. Slow and steady wins the race, as long as you’re responsive. 

3. Create a media or press page for your website.

When optimized, a media page is a PR tool that builds brand authority and credibility. Your PR media page can be home to information including company bios, brand history, relevant facts and stats, and press releases. This is a page that tells serious visitors about your brand. 

While a media page is a great PR asset, the key thing to remember is that there needs to be a point to everything included. Keep this in mind and your media page will help you cultivate a professional brand image. 

4. Guest speak on a podcast.

Do you know what 88 million Americans did last year? They listened to podcasts.

A podcast might not fit into your content strategy, so do the next best thing: Ask to be a guest speaker on an influential, reputable podcast in your industry. Find the podcasts that your target audience is listening to that are relevant to your areas of expertise. It’s OK to think outside the box in what you offer as a guest speaker if you keep it in line with your overall brand message. 

Don’t be nervous about reaching out to podcast hosts. They’re people who thrive on conversation and interaction, especially with other experts in their industry. If you have something of value to offer, they’ll be interested. 

5. Find the perfect fit with influencers.

There’s no need to focus on big-name influencers. You’d likely be exposed to a huge audience that has no interest in your brand because of how large and broad the audience is. 

Instead, focus on micro influencers: respected personalities in the industry with fewer followers. They’ve devoted their energy to laser-focused audiences more likely to be interested in your brand. After all, would you rather put your brand in front of 30,000 people and only get a few qualified leads, or in front of 5,000 people, 10% of whom will be highly interested in your brand?

Micro influencers also aren’t always in it for the money. They’re often willing to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement, such as sharing posts in exchange for trying your goods and services at a reduced rate. They’re small enough to see the potential in new brands. 

My best tip for successful PR as a new brand is to take it slow. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s going to take some time to cultivate the brand image you want and deserve. Be focused and purposeful with your PR strategy, and see how easily these five tips work for you.



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