Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: How Getting A Ph.D. Prepared Me To Run A Startup

Council Post: How Getting A Ph.D. Prepared Me To Run A Startup

Council Post: How Getting A Ph.D. Prepared Me To Run A Startup

Sam Mehrbod (Ph.D.) is a Top Producer Realtor, Investor and CEO at Roomvu, a Content Factory empowering Realtors with Videos on Social Media

When I started at the University of British Columbia to do a Ph.D. in project management in 2010, I was excited about a shiny path in academia. The path looked solid at the beginning: I’d finish a 4-year program, get a job and live a (somewhat) stress-free life. But one month into the program, it hit me. The reality was that there were too many Ph.D.s for too few tenure-track jobs. Not only did the planned four years take 6.5 years on average in our department, but most graduates also had to stay as post-doctorates (call it a Ph.D. student upgrade) for another couple of years. 

I would have loved to stay in academia, but I wasn’t willing to spend a decade being an academic nomad. Right at the beginning, I realized this path was not for me and started learning new skills and doing side hustles. I did everything from DJing at events and weddings to building houses, becoming a realtor and co-funding a mid-size property technology startup. In the end, it took me eight years to finish my Ph.D., and to this date, I am grateful to my Ph.D. supervisor for bearing with me patiently while I finished the program. There were some key lessons throughout the eight-year Ph.D. that taught me how to run a startup. Here are some of these lessons that have helped me build my company:

1. The trial-and-error process and adaptability are key.

Anyone who has done a research project (especially a Ph.D.) remembers those painful moments of learning through trial and error. These are the times when you think you’ll never succeed. You keep on driving research questions and figuring out the hypothesis. You go to your advising committee, and they keep giving you the answer “no.” Then you have these “eureka” moments that show up after months (in my case, years) of trying.

The same holds true with a startup idea. You have this great idea and keep pouring resources into it, and when the product launches, no one cares. I learned that the hard way. We kept on building great tools in our first two startups that no one used. Even to this day, I always say to our team that adaptability in a startup and particularly in the founding team is the key to getting through tough times. As a team, we set up milestones, and we all excitedly paddle through and launch the products. And then it hits us: Only a handful of our users use the feature and find it helpful. We see the reality that no one cares about our new tool. We get upset, decompress and keep on building something else. The lesson is to keep trying until you (and your team) get it right.

2. Identify the problems before setting to solve them.

This may sound simple, but trust me, finding a problem is sometimes way harder than coming up with a solution to an existing problem. I remember the early days when my Ph.D. supervisor told me to stop thinking like an engineer and start doing research. Coming from an engineering background, this is among the hardest things I had to do. From the get-go, we learn to solve the problems and most software developers like me want to come up with a solution to the problem almost immediately. Finding the problem in my thesis meant watching a 1,000-hour video series of my research subjects. I documented every interaction they had with various tools and objectively observed while resisting the urge to draw conclusions. 

The very same principle holds true in the startup world. Most of your customers don’t really know what the problem is until you present them with a new solution. As Henry Ford has been known for saying, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Many founders think they have found “the problem.” They then start building solutions immediately, and many fail just as quickly. Learning what the problem is requires you to spend immense time with your customers. In my case, I had to observe a lot of realtors using our prototypes, sit through customer service calls, skim through emails and conduct usability studies (just like my Ph.D.) to find the problem. I had to objectively document it and then sit with our team to build solutions. 

3. Success is a marathon, not a sprint.

During the thesis, every single day I needed to be consistent with my efforts. Whether it was studying, writing, researching or analyzing, I just needed to show up and keep going. It does not matter whether you’re on top of the world or down in the dumps. You need to be persistent. During my Ph.D., I saw many brilliant students who did a great job and aced a presentation or exam but later found they had been burnt out and were no longer pursuing their dream. The same holds true in business. A lot of our competitors got huge media coverage initially but failed to expand their product and stay in business. If you are leading a startup, you should follow revenue-producing activities and provide value to your clients every single day. It is truly a long haul, and success requires your persistence. 

The bottom line is, if you think you do not belong in academia, a certain industry or even a dead-end job and are trying to start a new business, as long as you are adaptable to everyday changes, willing to go through the trial and error process, keen to find the real problems and are persistent enough on your journey, you can find success in your business sooner than later.

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