Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: How The Global Pandemic Impacts Workers’ Comp Insurance

Council Post: How The Global Pandemic Impacts Workers’ Comp Insurance

Council Post: How The Global Pandemic Impacts Workers’ Comp Insurance

By Tracey Berg, President, Cerity, a workers’ compensation insurance provider.

In this unprecedented time, small-business owners are challenged with keeping their businesses and their employees healthy and safe — and not simply surviving but thriving. Beyond building a strategy to grow in the midst of a global pandemic, small businesses must stay on top of new, varying legislation that may increase compliance complexity. There is no better time than now to understand the risks associated with workers’ compensation insurance and clear up any confusion employers may have about it.

Workers’ comp is good business and good for business.

In most states, workers’ compensation insurance is required the moment a business hires its first employee. Each state can have its own unique requirements, so savvy business owners are getting educated to avoid potential compliance violations and costly penalties. Failing to comply may even result in business closure. Considering that employees hurt at work would naturally seek compensation from their employer for the injuries they sustained on the job, uninsured businesses may experience catastrophic losses to the tune of millions of dollars.

In the wake of the pandemic, workers’ comp insurance is very much on employers’ minds, as well as whether it covers exposure to Covid-19. While workers comp can cover an employee who contracted Covid-19 at work, the situation is complicated. Workers’ compensation is known as an “occurrence-based” insurance policy. This means all claims must be reported to the insurer and will have a case-by-case evaluation.

Regardless, it might not be wise to depend on traditional health insurance to cover an injured worker, as many health insurance providers expect workplace injuries to be covered by dedicated workers’ compensation insurance. Additionally, prospective clients are increasingly requesting proof of workers’ compensation insurance before engaging with a vendor. Smart business owners — even those in states that do not mandate workers’ compensation coverage or those that fall under the required limits — are recognizing that acquiring workers’ compensation insurance is not only a responsible course of action to protect workers but is also “good business,” protecting the long-term health of the organization and those that contribute to its growth and success.

Businesses should consider covering all workers.

Who should get protected? Full-time or part-time employees? Seasonal or contract workers? Family members? If they are employed by your business, they should be covered (regardless of their title or if they are full-time or part-time). Even a family member who works for the business is defined as an employee. Simply put, businesses must have insurance in place whenever they are open. Any workers who contribute to the organization’s success should be covered, just like any full-time employee.

To further insulate a business from risk, owners should also encourage contractors and subcontractors to carry proof of their own workers’ comp insurance. An organization might be held responsible for other businesses’ workplace injuries that occur during the course of business if engaged on their behalf. Naturally, the cost of that payout depends on the severity of the injury and how long it will take for the injured employee or contractor to return to work. This unknown financial burden presents a sizable risk.

Covering all workers also means those working from home during a pandemic. Some small-business owners maintain that they cannot control a home-based employee’s work environment and, therefore, should not be responsible for work-from-home workers’ compensation claims. Depending on the state and individual claims’ coverage determination, a home-based worker’s injury could fall under workers’ compensation. It’s critical that even remote-employee-based businesses carry this insurance. More than ever, small-business owners must take steps to protect themselves and their employees.

The pay-as-you-go model is gaining momentum.

The premium of workers’ compensation insurance depends on business jurisdiction. But in any industry, premium increases as payroll increases. Conversely, as payroll falls — a trend very prevalent today — so does the premium. A pay-as-you-go policy reflects these changes from one billing cycle to the next, so you always only pay what you owe. While traditional workers’ compensation plans include things like up-front fees and year-end audits, the pay-as-you-go model adjusts to business dynamics through real-time calculations.

The concept of “pay-as-you-go” is increasing in popularity, given that businesses of all sizes are looking to manage expenses and be as flexible as possible. With pay-as-you-go, business owners only pay what is owed based on data. Then, as an organization’s payroll needs evolve, this more flexible plan adjusts with each payroll cycle in an effort to lower premiums.

These are unprecedented times when it comes to small businesses knowing how many employees they are going to have and, therefore, how much workers’ compensation insurance they need. Even under normal circumstances, small businesses experience ebbs and flows in their employee counts, which is why “pay-as-you-go” insurance was developed. Isn’t it nice that it’s here to help lessen the pandemic’s impact at a time when all businesses could use a break?

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