Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: How To Achieve Cleanliness And Infection Prevention Standards In Hospitality

Council Post: How To Achieve Cleanliness And Infection Prevention Standards In Hospitality

Council Post: How To Achieve Cleanliness And Infection Prevention Standards In Hospitality

CEO and Founder of UMF Corporation, a leader in the R&D of high-performance textiles and processes for infection prevention.

I recently wrote about the new normal the world faces surrounding infection prevention. While that applies to all industries as the world battles the pandemic, some are dealing more directly with the issue. The hospitality industry — already hyperfocused on cleanliness — has transformed its business model, increasing focus on raising the level of infection prevention closer to that of an acute care hospital. Gone are the days of lingering in hotel lobbies, sharing elevators with other guests, working out alongside like-minded guests in a small fitness center or enjoying a breakfast buffet before heading out to a business meeting or family adventure.

While cleanliness has always been a priority, hotels, lodges and resorts are facing a new level of scrutiny. According to the latest J.D. Power 2020 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index, meeting elevated cleanliness standards and proactively communicating with guests prior to arrival were key drivers of guest satisfaction, even before the pandemic. As the world battles Covid-19 and the U.S. sees a breathtaking surge in cases — with almost 8 million infections as of Oct. 14 — infection prevention and hygiene are in the spotlight more than ever.

In May, the American Hotel & Lodging Association launched its Safe Stay program, which focuses on hotel cleaning practices, social interactions and workplace protocols to meet new health and safety challenges and guest expectations resulting from Covid-19. Hotel industry experts partnered with public health experts, scientists and medical leaders to create guidelines for the industry. Some hotels are partnering with organizations such as the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins to ensure the safest possible guest environment.

Although travelers are understandably concerned about infection, trends show that more people are venturing into hotels as they travel cross-country to visit friends and family; call on a client or partner they haven’t seen in months; or fly to an in-person interview for a job opportunity. The latest hotel occupancy rate, according to STR, recently increased to 50% after plunging to 22% after March’s forced shutdowns. With increased guest scrutiny and public health and safety a priority, hotels are working hard to ensure that levels of cleanliness are on par with health care facilities.

Much has been written about new cleaning policies and procedures, and some have evaluated technologies such as ultraviolet light (UVC) robots and fogging devices (despite their questionable efficacy). While such solutions may apply, nothing will replace a well-trained guest room attendant (GRA) who understands the how and why of what they do and knows that cleaning and disinfecting are two distinct processes.

Creating The Safest Possible Guest Environment

Borrowing best practices from leading acute care hospitals, hospitality organizations can mitigate the risk of cross-contamination in guests’ rooms and eliminate room-to-room cross-contamination to ensure the safest possible guest environment. As in health care facilities, hotels are implementing a multimodal intervention approach. That is, all departments from food service, housekeeping and operations are adopting standard procedures for mitigating the risk of spreading Covid-19. With this multimodal approach, they can address the new reality of heightened cleanliness and infection standards while inspiring guest loyalty. One resource my company has provided is the ABCs of Housekeeping, a step-by-step guide to infection prevention in hospitality.

Standardization As The Foundation Of Success

Hotels are adopting standard procedures that include detailed instructions and processes for cleaning different guest environments, from the guest room and bathroom to the pool and lobby. As the first part of their daily routine, GRAs are temperature checked and answer questions about whether they’ve exhibited symptoms of Covid-19. Throughout their shifts, they wear disposable gloves — changed out after each room — and face coverings to protect themselves and guests from infection.

Similar to hospitals, hotels are adopting color-coded cleaning products that correspond with each room. This color-coding prevents contamination between rooms. For example, orange wipers and tools are dedicated to the bathroom; blue to high surfaces and floors; and yellow, or a product color, that specifically matches the disinfectant color to frequently touched surfaces. GRAs can undergo detailed training utilizing a standardized methodology designed to meet the specific challenges across the entire brand.

Human Intervention: Key To Cleaning And Disinfection

When it comes to the actual process of cleaning and disinfection, a number of new technologies — including the aforementioned UVC robots, foggers and sprayers — have received buzz in the past few months for their disinfecting capabilities, yet none have been reviewed by the EPA as effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. To some organizations, they are alluring because they are seen as an opportunity to reduce labor costs. However, according to the CDC, the efficacy of such alternative disinfection methods against SARS-CoV-2 is unknown, as the EPA only reviews surface disinfectants, not devices. Furthermore, the CDC only recommends using surface disinfectants on EPA List N to kill SARS-CoV-2.

Finally, any device that might be proven to disinfect against SARS-CoV-2 would only be able to disinfect once surfaces are thoroughly cleaned, a process that must be done manually by housekeeping. Only after cleaning is complete can disinfection happen effectively. In other words, human intervention is the key to cleaning and disinfection. A trained GRA must thoroughly clean all surfaces prior to the disinfection process.

Hotels that understand the importance of the GRA in the cleaning and disinfecting process and invest in their housekeeping workforces via the right products and training will be better able to keep their employees and guests safe.

Leveraging Infection Prevention Best Practices

Just as health care facilities take a holistic approach to infection prevention, hospitality organizations can leverage industry best practices to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness and guest satisfaction. With guests watching every move and looking in every corner, one misstep could mean you’ve lost a guest for good, not to mention the ramifications of their bad review. By embracing the new normal, hotels can reassure guests that everything possible is being done to ensure their safe stay.

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