Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: How To Adjust Your Business To Today’s Changing Consumer Behavior

Council Post: How To Adjust Your Business To Today’s Changing Consumer Behavior


CEO and Co-Founder at Cider Corp., a U.S.-based custom software development solutions provider.

Perhaps one of the most interesting developments in recent months has been the way in which the coronavirus has shaped customer buying behavior. The pandemic seems to have had the impact of pouring accelerants on trends that were perhaps underway, but still some way short of gaining mainstream acceptance. 

Today, in the age of ordering everything imaginable online and conducting all manner of meetings on Zoom, we find ourselves in a very different world than that of January 2020.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at what’s changed in terms of consumer behavior in the wake of the pandemic, as well as assess how your business can adapt and evolve to meet those new demands.

What Customers Are Doing More

The touchless, contactless, online shopping revolution was already underway before the coronavirus outbreak, but now I believe it is set to become the most widespread change in customer behavior after the pandemic. E-commerce has elevated itself from “nice to have” to an absolute necessity for businesses across the board.

Retailers have had to adapt to life without a physical presence. Just consider that U.S. and Canadian e-commerce orders have exhibited 129% year-over-year growth. However, the impact has also been felt by those allowed to continue their operations. Online grocery shopping has also boomed with individuals looking to keep in contact with the outside world to a minimum.

The consumption of online content has also unsurprisingly gone up, with Spotify, Zoom and Facebook all reporting record numbers of users and subscribers. Businesses that traditionally offer products and services in a face-to-face setting have had to innovate and rely on technology to enter their customers’ homes.

The use of online games, online education services and videoconferencing software have all dramatically increased as a result of stopping activities of many of society’s mainstays, such as schools, gyms, movie theaters and sporting events.

Finally, remote working has become commonplace as companies up and down the country reacted to stay-at-home orders. Despite the fact that the majority of states are taking steps to reopen, many leading tech firms such as Google and Amazon have decided to allow employees to continue to work from home for at least the near future.

Several tech companies have also announced that they are canceling all in-person conferences and events in favor of virtual experiences for the foreseeable future. 

The working-from-home trend has forced people to adapt to a whole new way of life. Videoconferencing software has been the only form of face-to-face interaction for many individuals. Everything from dating to ordering food to attending exercise classes has become almost exclusively an online activity. I believe these innovations are likely to stay due to their added convenience.

What Customers Are Doing Less

As is the case with any shock to the economy, consumers are adopting new behaviors that put the health and the necessities of their families first. Jobs have borne much of the brunt of the economic impact of Covid-19. Unemployment has reached record levels as over 20 million positions have been terminated as a result of the crisis.

With so many consumers unsure of their economic future, they’re unsurprisingly cutting back on spending. According to EY, the majority of consumers will cut their spending on discretionary items such as clothing and leisure experiences. As a result, I predict that only the brands that have developed the most loyalty will manage to keep their customers.

EY’s study also showed that many consumers have a pessimistic outlook for the future. Customer behavior after the pandemic will be mostly shaped by conscious consumption. Items seen as luxuries could be cut from monthly spending as individuals and families try to get back on their feet in the aftermath.

How To Alter Your Business To Match These Emerging Consumer Behaviors

It’s clear that to succeed in the new world in which we find ourselves, businesses are going to have to improve its online presence and performance. Start with your website. If it doesn’t yet have e-commerce functionality, now is the time to add that in. In my experience, consumers also expect websites to have components such as live chat and support.

Of course, you could have the best-performing website in the world, but if no one can find it, it’s useless. In this regard, SEO becomes more important. By working hard to optimize your site and push out new content for search engines, you can ensure that you continue to bring in new visitors to convert into customers. You can also consider leveraging a customer relationship management system. A number of companies, my own included, offer CRM systems, so I’ve seen firsthand that they can help you convert leads and manage and engage customers.

Finally, add new features to your online offering to meet the changing dynamics of customer buying behavior. For instance, can you pivot your face-to-face fitness business into an online or downloadable product or service? If you traditionally offer a click-and-collect service in-store, can you now go one step further and provide contactless deliveries directly to your customer’s doors?

Those who respond best to these new consumption preferences during this period are going to be the ones to succeed. Make sure your business does not get left behind.

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