Council Post: How To Build A Personal Brand Story That Customers Will Listen To

Business Development Consultant | Personal Brand Strategist & Integrator | Writing About #intelligentcuriosity |

As an entrepreneur, it is essential that you develop a personal brand story that sticks in the minds of those you most want to influence: your team and potential clients. From my perspective, the lack of a clear and effective brand story is a missing piece that can hold thought leaders back from achieving greatness.

Why? As a brand strategist, I believe we are moving into what I call a “relationship revolution.” An essential component of the relationship revolution is your ability to make an immediate rational and emotional connection with your audience.

What makes a great personal brand story?

A great brand story amplifies the relevance of what is already known and believed about you and your business. But the best brand stories are all about your audience — not about you. The biggest mistake I see thought leaders make is positioning themselves first and foremost on the front doors of their personal brands.

Too often, I see very pretty websites (front doors), with prime, top-of-the-fold real estate boasting all about how great the thought leader is. It’s only when you scroll near the bottom of the website you learn about how they can solve a problem — a place to which many people don’t scroll. 

A personal brand story revolves less around yourself and more around how your business can identify, empathize with and solve a problem for someone else. A lack of effort put into your brand story tells the world you value yourself more and your audience less. 

Ask yourself:

1. What is the one and only one problem you can solve? 

2. How does solving that one problem help someone else thrive? What does that process of transformation look like before they work with you vs. after?

3. What is the one obstacle getting in their way?

These are important questions to ask because your answers should always be the first messages your audience ever receives from your brand story.

Creating Your Brand Story

Regardless of your current approach to your brand, by simply being active in the marketplace, your name and business have accrued a certain reputation, a realm of influence, and a degree of recognition, for better or worse. Are you controlling your online reputation, or does it have a life of its own? It’s up to you to produce and curate a strong personal brand strategy to go beyond basic survival in today’s business world.

Creating a strong brand story is an evolving process and a lifelong storytelling project, but few thought leaders know where to begin laying the foundation. Below is a list of intelligently curious questions to help you get started. These will help you develop a high level of awareness so you are more prepared to recognize opportunities for building your brand story:

1. Who are you? Who are you not? Spend some time thinking about what makes you different. How is your perspective unique or different on a topic that has a lot of competition? When you answer this question, you are better positioned to clearly communicate your message effectively, which then gives the audience a chance to get to know the real you. We are in a relationship-driven world, not a transactional one.

2. Is there something about your personality that attracts others to you? When you have no idea what makes you special, unique or distinctive — or when you can’t communicate it properly — how is anyone ever supposed to believe in your brand? People don’t buy products and services; to me, they buy from brands they trust and, most importantly, feel they belong with.

3. What do you believe? I’ve seen personal branding often described as “sharing what you know online.” I believe it’s much more than that. Personal branding is about using your experiences and expertise to tell a story of the transformation you make in other people’s lives, not just sharing what you know. The only way you can begin to write that story is to know what you believe in and addressing any limiting beliefs that are standing in your way. Address any beliefs that could prevent you from telling your brand story and derail you from creating your personal brand. Otherwise, it’s not only you who loses; your audience does, too.

4. What do others say about you? When crafting your brand story, sharing testimonials is a great way to help you tell the story. However, you also want to understand your customer’s journey so you can articulate it well. How did you take a client from where they were to where they are? There is no one better to help you craft that message of transformation than those who’ve had the opportunity to work with you. Be specific with the ask. Your goal is to learn about their transformation. 

5. Who should care? Your brand story is all about everyone else. Your brand story has a specific target audience it needs to appeal to in order to be impactful and recognized. Your clients have questions, challenges and obstacles to overcome, and if you don’t identify with them immediately and empathize with them, they will move on to someone else who will.

These five questions will help you to determine why people want to work with you. You don’t have to be a professional speaker or author to have a personal brand. When you craft your brand story so customers will listen, you open the door to new possibilities, growing your business and building a thought leadership legacy future generations can follow.

Discovering your brand or elevating your existing one will not only increase your recognition within your target market but also offer consistency in the story you tell through social media platforms. This will inevitably help you build a story that customers will listen to. Your brand story makes the difference between someone congratulating you for who you are and having generations to come thank you for being there.

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