Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: How To Invest In Wellness In Your Organization

Council Post: How To Invest In Wellness In Your Organization


Growing up, I ate food that I probably wouldn’t even touch today. After surviving three autoimmune conditions, I was finally able to heal myself naturally. It was a full-time job.

Health is something of the utmost importance to me. But as I was advising startups, I found myself putting my health on the back burner because I only wanted to focus on making the founders happy. My health started slowly getting worse, and I didn’t do anything to stop it. I thought, “The most important thing is getting results for the company.” Even some of the founders I worked with felt that prioritizing wellness was overrated.

However, according to research (via The Wall Street Journal) that studied a small sample of commercial laundry plant workers, those who participated in an employer-sponsored health program increased productivity, on average, by about 4%. I’ve spoken with entrepreneurs who prioritized wellness in their companies, and they, too, saw their workers’ productivity improve. Staying healthy and encouraging proper nutrition and exercise can make a big difference around productivity.

At the end of the day, as a startup growth advisor, I want to work with companies that want to generate results. But I believe it’s also important for leaders to look after their own health and the health of their employees. Below, I’ve outlined how you can prioritize wellness in your organization:

1. Be an example.

As an entrepreneur, I believe you should serve as an example of health for your company. Leaders should always lead by example. I recommend staying calm and remembering to always show how you take care of your own health, not only based on what you eat, but also how you care for your mental health. For example, I always exercise during my lunchtime, and I generally eat three meals a day. This shows my team how I am taking care of myself.

Inform your employees on how to stay healthy as well. Health starts with choices, and this means that if your team wants to spend their lunchtime exercising, allow them to do so. They could see improvements personally and professionally.

2. Offer perks that enhance employees’ well-being.

What is the point of a “perk” if it doesn’t really do anything to impact someone’s life and make it better? From my perspective, a perk is something that should be used to help your employees broaden their horizons and live their best lives. So why not offer health-oriented perks that allow employees to feel good about themselves? Consider, for example, providing gym memberships or ensuring there are healthy food options available in your office.

3. Encourage activity throughout the day.

When your role requires you to sit and stare at a computer all day, it can be easy to fall into a routine of not getting enough activity or movement throughout your day. However, too much sitting can negatively impact your health. I’ve also found that where there isn’t enough activity to keep a person going, they can lose track of themselves and their well-being. It’s important that you and your employees are moving throughout the workday.

Consider holding daily step competitions, and at the end of the week, employees can be rewarded for who earned the most steps. You can also ensure you’re offering autonomy and creating flexible work environments to ensure your team doesn’t feel chained to their desks.

4. Offer autonomy.

When I was working in Silicon Valley, I saw people working really hard, and often, they would come to work half asleep. With workloads today, it can be tough for some to even get a full eight hours of sleep. But this shouldn’t be the norm. I’ve observed that being overworked is why many people might not feel energetic at work. I saw that startups that thrived on autonomy succeeded well.

Leaders can promote autonomy by simply asking their employees how they work best. Let your employees tell you how they enjoy working and where they are most productive. I believe everyone should be allowed to work out and consume healthy food. When I was living with my conditions, I had a really strict protocol to follow, and the things considered “healthy” in the workplace were not things I was able to consume. My version of health was different, so I found autonomy to be essential.

5. Create a road map for health.

There are startups that just want to move as quickly as they can to get to the finish line. But with that approach, startup teams are often missing the importance of work-life balance. Founders and employees lose the energy and drive they originally had because they are taxing their bodies to get things done and keep the company moving forward.

Develop a road map for a healthier version of your company. Consider the results you want in your organization, and work backward from there. In my experience, this can help you and your team become the best versions of yourselves, and you might even find that you have an extra dose of energy to feel alive while you’re getting work done.

In conclusion, I believe investing in wellness in your organization is essential. Ensuring your employees know they have the flexibility to focus on themselves physically and mentally can make a big difference in their productivity and well-being. By following the five tips I’ve outlined above, you’ll be on your way to creating a friendly, healthier workplace for yourself and your team.




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