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Council Post: Is Lack Of Capital The Real Reason Businesses Fail?

Council Post: Is Lack Of Capital The Real Reason Businesses Fail?

Restaurant success coach and restaurateur at the Hudson Valley’s first green restaurant, Aroma Thyme Bistro.

I’ve been in the restaurant industry for the last 25 years. This industry easily has the highest rate of failure of any industry out there. A lot of people go into it unqualified or undercapitalized — and sometimes both. Many appear to have the situation under control, and then they fail. As a young chef apprentice, I always wondered what really made a restaurant a success.

First, the restaurant industry is probably the hardest industry to run. It’s not like any other retail store out there. You are selling perishable products, an experience and an emotion. If we don’t fill a seat on a particular night, we’ve missed that opportunity altogether. That’s lost revenue. The product is going bad, and staff still need their paychecks. And the landlord still exists. A lot of people don’t understand the dynamics of this whole business. The reasons for failure are endless. But what could other industries learn from restaurants?

In culinary school, marketing and business classes always taught me that you must have a great location, great service and great food. But when you look across America at all the fast-food locations, you see that those elements don’t stack up. What is their reason for decades of success and thousands of restaurants? It’s more than just location, food and service.

I opened my restaurant in 2003 with $50,000. I ran out of money quicker than I could blink. I opened in an economically depressed area in upstate New York. I sell farm-to-table cuisine, which is in the higher price range. How am I still here 17 years later, when I was lacking two out of the three big elements for success? Don’t get me wrong — I struggled. But my passion deserved more than throwing in the towel. My passion deserved every possible ounce of energy, blood, sweat and tears that I could put into the business. Passion is one thing. Income is what every business needs.

My first four years were shadowed with lots of doubt and growing debt. I was a year away from my first five-year lease expiring. I was most likely going to end up as a statistic for a failed restaurant.

Here’s how I turned it around. I hope these steps can help you as well.

Connect With Other Business Owners

Talking with other business owners, especially those more experienced than you, can help you see blind spots in how you run your business.

As a last-ditch effort, I joined a mastermind group that I couldn’t afford. I drove to Boston and slept in my car because I couldn’t afford a hotel room. I juggled credit cards to pay for the first month of the course. This mastermind was a group of highly successful restaurant owners who locked themselves into a room three times a year for two days at a time and shared every type of marketing strategy, technique, failure and success they’d encountered.

Implement A Strategy

I realized there was one ingredient that I was missing for my success: strategy. I might’ve been doing a couple of things right in my business, but I was missing the overall strategy. I was trying to put together a puzzle without seeing the finished picture as a reference.

To get started, get your customers’ email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses, birthdays and anniversaries so you can track their spending. Segment them into different groups, and offer them different promotions based on their spending habits.

After implementing all this new strategy, my business grew 45% in the first quarter of 2009 compared to 2008. I had not had those results in four years at my restaurant. Plain and simple, solid strategy leads to significant growth.

Get Help Developing Your Strategy

I urge every business owner to spend time with a professional marketing agency or guru to develop a strategy. Every email or post to social media should be well thought out. How can you get people to engage? How can you follow up with them, deliver an offer, nurture that relationship and repeat the process?

In a nutshell, a solid strategy will create solid future sales. It doesn’t matter how much capital you have — it will run out if you don’t have a solid strategy in place. This is not only the case in restaurants. Even some iconic American companies have fallen because they lacked effective plans.

Having a solid marketing strategy can totally revolutionize your business. It saved mine and helped me make my passion a viable enterprise. I would take strategy over capital any day.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?



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