Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Preparing For A Big Investor Meeting In These Uncertain Times

Council Post: Preparing For A Big Investor Meeting In These Uncertain Times

Council Post: Preparing For A Big Investor Meeting In These Uncertain Times
Managing Partner at Tribe

Pitching to an investor can be a high-pressure task, especially if we consider the current landscape where venture capitalists and angel investors are tightening their purse strings and scrutinizing every penny being invested. Not to mention, the WeWork debacle has made investors generally extra conscious about the path to profitability for any business.

But as the managing partner of a blockchain accelerator, I’ve found that if the idea is bright and the business model right, startups are drawing in a fair share of investments, even among the Covid-19-induced complications.

Startups in Southeast Asia, for example, raised $2.8 billion in the second quarter of this year across 184 deals, according to a recent report from DealStreetAsia. Deal activity remains encouraging, despite a slight dip in total value. This goes to indicate resilience in the middle of a global pandemic and the proof that the investor show, though with rewritten rules, is still on.

So, how do you go about crushing that investor pitch meeting in the circumstances we are currently facing?

Before we jump on to the “how,” let us first review “why” an impeccable and engaging pitch is a must for investors. To generalize, in my experience, out of hundreds of pitches, investors might cherry-pick only one-tenth of them — and sometimes even less. Either way, the statistics aren’t favorable to those pitching. Creating and delivering a pitch that captures investors’ attention can help you stand out from the crowd. Here are my recommendations to help you prepare:

Focus on the problem, not tech buzzwords.

For any business, it is important to clearly spotlight the problems you are trying to solve. Be it for the market or the consumer, as long as these problems are pressing matters that you are on a mission to solve with your team, your investors will see value in your business idea shining bright. We go by this philosophy at my company, which I founded in 2018, as we have always focused on powering companies that are solving real-world problems using blockchain technology.

When an investor gets a pitch with a lot of buzzwords, like artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, big data and blockchain, it becomes hard to see what is so unique about the company.

Moreover, being recession-resilient is no longer the only thing that matters. Investors are looking for businesses that can endure the unforeseen and inconceivable — circumstances akin to a global pandemic. Having a relevant purpose makes you stand out.

Showcase a simple path to profitability.

Every business needs to be profitable in the long run, which is a key consideration for investors as they look for lucrative businesses with immense growth potential. As long as you continue to serve a core human or business need, your business will remain relevant and eventually reap benefits.

To have a healthy bottom line right now or after a certain time period is a business priority. You need to show to the investors a simple and clear path to profitability. Monitoring your unit economics will help position you as a founder who has a keen eye on money movements and cost control.

Don’t allow sustainability to be an afterthought.

Many might assume that as long as you are able to showcase a profitable journey to investors, you will be favored, but that is not true. Startups now need to walk the tightrope of being profitable and sustainable at the same time, which means that both need to have a place in any boardroom conversation. I’ve observed that awareness of environmental, social and governance issues has increased, and companies are under scrutiny by investors who often have high ESG requirements.

Consider the investor fit.

The stage of your company, your industry and the investor’s experience in the market space are all important factors that shall determine investor relevance. Doing this research upfront will help you map investors who are a good match for your business.

Given the coronavirus-induced shifts in the market and consumer behavior, investors are paying special attention to sectors and industries that are expected to boom in the time to come. Health tech, educational tech and virtual reality, among others, are grabbing a lot of eyeballs. There might be a lot of startup owners within these sectors investors are meeting with, but what is important for you is to have a differentiated purpose that your business seeks to achieve.

If you are a business owner looking to woo investors right now, here are some key questions to consider as you craft your pitch:

• Are today’s challenging times causing them to completely rethink their long-term strategies? Are they prepared for market and political uncertainty? Keeping these questions in mind, can you help tackle these dilemmas in any manner?

• Do you understand how the coronavirus pandemic is going to shift behavior and have a plan to adapt to that change? Are you looking for hidden opportunities?

• In the current climate, valuations for startups will likely fall, but the market is expected to bounce back soon. But it is still advisable that you close your funding rounds quickly. Are you working on doing so?

• Are you ensuring that you have adequate runway before you run out of cash?

• Are you revamping the way you sell, spend your marketing dollars and looking for new customer acquisition strategies?

Remember, the best companies and best founders are the ones that come out of such calamities and go on to be stronger. Good luck with your investor meetings. Go get them.

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