Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Should You Send Your Work Offshore?

Council Post: Should You Send Your Work Offshore?

Council Post: Should You Send Your Work Offshore?

By Ben Walker, CEO for Transcription Outsourcing, LLC and has made contributions to Entrepreneur Magazine, The Associated Press & Inc.

Sending work overseas has become very popular, and many companies are well aware of the benefits. All kinds of services, such as customer service, transcription, accounting, web hosting, software development and web design, are sent offshore every year. Offshoring often offers a fast turnaround and the ability to ramp certain functions up or down and it can allow in-house staff to focus on more critical tasks. 

In our experience, when clients insist on using overseas vendors, we let them know that they can probably easily handle the volume because they often have more personnel and work longer hours than firms here in the U.S. However, there may be some hiccups to work through before you accept an overseas vendor as your long-term provider.

In this article, we’ll go over the pros and cons of sending your work offshore so you can make the best decision for your business.


There are reasons many companies are sending more work offshore than ever before. 

• It’s often cheaper: Sending work overseas can be substantially cheaper. Educated and experienced people in Asia, parts of Latin America and Europe can be hired on contract for much less than people in the U.S.

• You can pay back investors faster: Businesses often must do what’s best for their investors and stakeholders. Paying less gives you more flexibility to return the profit to investors.

• Help improve developing economies: Outsourcing work can create many jobs in other countries. Developing countries in Asia and Latin America are common places that businesses from the U.S. outsource work to.

• Faster turnaround times: While you are asleep, your offshore company can work on getting your project done. Time zone differences can help when you need your work done as fast as possible.


Offshoring isn’t all benefits. Below we’ll go over some reasons you may want to avoid sending work overseas.

Data security: You don’t want company or client data getting into the wrong hands, but overseas vendors may not adhere to the same data security standards as your company. Anytime companies in the medical field outsource work, for instance, they must choose vendors that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. However, HIPAA compliance overseas falls into a gray area. If a data breach were to happen, it’s not clear whether an American company could take legal action or not. If you can take legal action, international lawyers are typically expensive, and the process can be prolonged.

• Communication: When speaking with nonnative English speakers, faulty communication may occur at some point. Maybe they interpret something in another way, or you agree to something assuming an entirely different intention. The initial interaction about your project is the foundation of the outcome you receive. If there’s a miscommunication, the entire project could be disappointing.

• Nondisclosure agreements: Nondisclosure agreements tie into data security. According to Nolo, having an NDA with an overseas vendor is complicated. When you leave the U.S., enforcement of the NDA can be unpredictable, and it can be much more costly.

• Cultural differences: Every country has its own way of doing things. There is no wrong way. However, if your clients are from the U.S., they generally expect U.S. standards. Cultural differences could play a role in how much time you spend explaining how you want things done.

Over To You

If sending work offshore seems like the right move for you, there are a few questions to consider to make the best decision: Do you need fast turnaround times that you can only get by offshoring? Are you sending confidential files? Will having more room in your budget help your business pay investors sooner? Are you willing to put in the time to overcome any communication barriers? Do you have time to check every document for errors? 

Once you’ve answered the questions above, you should be able to determine whether the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. While the decision you make depends heavily on your business’s nature, we hope this article helps guide you in the right direction.



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