Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Six Proven Benefits Of Meditation In The Workplace

Council Post: Six Proven Benefits Of Meditation In The Workplace


Hedge fund director turned meditation and wellness CEO of Chill Anywhere, the first live stream meditation platform built for the workplace

A silver lining in the tailspin of 2020 has been the growing public discourse on realistic ways to integrate wellness practices such as mindful meditation into post-Covid-19 corporate culture — and it could not happen faster.

One-third of Americans have reported experiencing high levels of psychological distress at some point during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. Additionally, women in the workforce are experiencing drastic increases in anxiety and depression. According to a recent survey by Total Brain, anxiety levels among working women have increased 52% since February, versus 29% among working men. The same survey found that working women’s level of depressed mood has increased 83% versus 36% for men. 

This fervent need for accessible mental health practices within our corporate culture goes beyond the crucial need for individual support. Regular mindful meditation among project teams, offices and departments also has lasting benefits, including building stronger bonds between employees, increasing productivity and increasing prosocial behavior.

I started my career in the high-stress world of investments while running a cancer research foundation, so it was inevitable that I would be stressed out. I’d been considering the benefits of a meditation practice for a decade, but I couldn’t find a studio or community in Chicago that felt approachable. This is what motivated me to launch a meditation and wellness platform for the workplace utilizing technology. Mindfulness changed my personal and professional life for the better, so I want to share what I’ve learned to help others live less stressful and more mindful lives.

While still new in practice, the benefits of mindfulness and meditation have long been studied. So, what are some of these proven benefits in the workplace?

1. Meditation may reduce prejudice.

Meditation has long been touted for enhancing empathy and compassion. Now, research is also being conducted about its positive affect on prosocial behaviors, leading to reduced prejudice. Initial findings are promising and still underway.

We are also learning more about how group meditation builds community and compassion for others. This awareness of others is incredibly important in managing a team and making smart business decisions that positively impact your industry and society as a whole. While these findings are still new, there is reason to believe they’re on to something.

2. Meditation can improve cognition.

A 2018 study led by the University of California, Davis, Center for Mind and Brain, and published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, revealed that increased ability to sustain attention is developed through intensive meditation training. These benefits were present seven years later in the study’s follow-up. Increased cognition leads to improvements in the brain’s problem-solving and decision-making strategies, which supports critical thinking and crisis management.

3. Meditation can directly counteract stress and burnout.

An immediate and long-proven benefit of meditation is reduced stress and a decreased level of cortisol in our brains and bodies. A 2013 study, also from the Center of Mind and Brain at UC Davis, confirmed the connection between mindfulness and cortisol and underlines that participants saw major benefits in only a few weeks of meditation. Instantaneous and lasting results with minimal time commitment is a major reason for incorporating mindfulness and daily meditation into the corporate setting.

4. Group meditation can lead to better collaboration.

Group meditation in the workplace is already being used successfully to increase collaboration, innovation and quality of work. While the presence of meditation in the workplace was growing pre-pandemic, I’m seeing an acceleration in companies exploring these options in efforts to strengthen dispersed workforces as we move forward without clear indications on when, and if, the workplace will return to its pre-Covid-19 state.

5. Meditation can boost memory.

Research conducted over the past decade and published by the American Psychological Association (APA) takes a look at the effects of meditation on the military as a way to explore its impact on memory. In this research, two separate military groups were studied, one that meditated regularly for eight weeks and the other that carried on with normal protocol. When both groups were placed under high amounts of stress, such as moments before deployment, the group that had not meditated exhibited a decrease in working memory over time while the group that had meditated regularly remained stable.

6. Meditation can curb emotional reactions.

The ability to curb strong emotional reactions, leading to better focus, is critical to compassionate leadership. In an early study also published by the APA, people who meditated and practiced mindfulness were better equipped to disengage from emotionally upsetting content and were able to better focus on tasks compared to other participants who were introduced to the same content but had not meditated. 

How can business leaders incorporate meditation into the workplace?

One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that you have to really work at it over a long period of time before you can expect to feel benefits. This is mostly false. While consistency is important, if you are considering incorporating meditation into your own corporate culture, first begin meditating for 1-3 minutes once a day.

Encourage your employees to try this out on their own and schedule gentle reminders to do it together as a team once a day as a chance for a mental break. Many leaders incorporate a 90-second meditation to begin or end a meeting, which can either set the tone for the discussion or help frame employee mindsets, and manage stress levels, at the conclusion of a meeting or long work day. 

Align your first meditation with an aspirational quality such as stress management or collaboration. This three-minute practice of gratitude meditation is an inspiring way to begin a practice. Another approachable way to practice is to use a mantra, which involves repeating a sentence or word such as “peace” while purposefully breathing. These actions train the mind to create positive pathways with lasting results. 

The benefits that as little as five minutes a day of meditation deliver are stepping stones that contribute to positive employee mental health.

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