Council Post: The Connection Economy: Using Resonance, Reciprocity And Relationships For Networking

International speaker, author, co-founder of The Women’s Business School & the Australian Ambassador of Women in Tech 

The connection economy is the economy of prosperity, collaboration and infinite possibilities. It’s the vision of an economic ecosystem, a complex network of interconnected systems built on trust, value alignment and reciprocity.

As society continues to evolve beyond the industrial economy and the information economy, we are seeing personal connection, trust and authentic relationships emerge to become valuable commodities. This economy is significantly different from those that came before because inherent in this economy is the connection to a deeper sense of community, purpose and meaning over mass production, competition and consumption.

This is a key difference from the aggressive winner-takes-all approach to the old way the world works. The connection economy is driven by qualities such as generosity, collaboration, cooperation, communication and sharing. This new way of operating provides a fresh perspective for solving today’s toughest problems in business, education, sustainability, politics and government.

So, how do we leverage the opportunities that a connection economy provides? There are some people in this world who naturally and easily build large networks and deep connections with a wide range of diverse people from all over the world. Who are these people? And how do they do it?

These people are often called superconnectors, and it’s thought that they have an innate ability to connect and form relationships. Not all of us is born with this gift, but we can learn how to be better at it. I’ve identified three key things that superconnectors do, and with practice, you can become a superconnector, too.


One of the most important keys to building relationships is to be present. Everyone wants to feel important, seen and heard.

When I think of people who exhibit the quality of presence, I picture someone who you can confide in and trust — someone who listens with their heart, holds space for you, pauses to let you finish what you’re saying, isn’t distracted by their phone when you’re speaking and isn’t looking around for someone more interesting to arrive. They’re the people who check that you’re OK and call you just to say hello, not because they want something.

Combined with presence, we need curiosity, or the art of being interested in other people. Everyone has a story, and when you’re meeting new people, it’s important to ask the right questions to invite them to open up and share their stories. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and if you give them the space to open up, it’s one of the best ways to connect with new people.

The people who are good at this skill are warm and friendly and seem to make new friends easily and effortlessly. I have a friend who is so good at this. When you first meet her, you might think she’s an introvert, very shy and soft-spoken. Yet if you take her to an event, you’ll notice she’s the one who’s always meeting lots of new people, making new friends and talking one on one to all kinds of different people about all kinds of different things. Her curiosity and ability to ask interesting questions gives her the ability to easily strike up conversations and form bonds with new people.


Reciprocity is the act of giving generously, knowing that the favor will be returned, not necessarily by the person you’ve given the favor to or even anytime soon. It’s trusting that when you’re kind to someone, that kindness will also be returned to you. Importantly, it’s not the same as doing something with the expectation of receiving something of equal value in return. It should be given without obligation. The other important thing is that kindness shouldn’t mean you’re always giving and being taken advantage of. The magic of reciprocity is that it’s a two-way street, and your time, energy and kindness are given where they are truly respected and appreciated. 

Generosity doesn’t have to be about big, grand gestures; in fact, sometimes the smallest act of kindness can have the biggest impact. Things like giving our time, opening a door for someone, giving a shoutout on social media and suggesting a referral cost nothing but can mean so much. Superconnectors understand the law of reciprocity. They are thoughtful, kind and generous, and they know how to give, receive and graciously ask for help.


The law of resonance is a universal, energetic law in which our thoughts and emotions create a frequency, like a radio wave. We gravitate toward people who we like to be around. A person with positive energy, self-confidence and a great sense of humor who makes you feel good to be with is always someone you want to be around. Resonance is a vibration of your energy, and when you’re resonating at a higher vibration, it attracts people and new opportunities to you. The opposite of resonance is dissonance, and you’ve probably experienced the feeling of people like this — those who leave you feeling drained rather than energized after running into them or talking to them on the phone.

The great news is that becoming more resonant is a skill we can all cultivate. There are lots of simple things that you can do to raise your vibration, such as practicing gratitude, listening to uplifting music, exercising, getting outdoors, dancing, going for a walk, doing yoga and practicing mindfulness.

Superconnectors are powerful because connection is great for business. As marketing becomes noisier, standing out from the crowd is vital, and the best way to stand out is to develop a relationship with your audience. Forming clever, strategic collaborations with businesses that are complementary to yours has the power to open the doors to new opportunities, customers and profits.

The connection economy provides us with a powerful force for change and a unique opportunity to cocreate a brighter future for us all.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

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