Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: The Parable Of The Leaning Tower Of Garbage

Council Post: The Parable Of The Leaning Tower Of Garbage

Council Post: The Parable Of The Leaning Tower Of Garbage

CEO of Mixology Clothing Company.

As the CEO of an organization with multiple business lines that range from fashion to real estate, my primary responsibility is to find great talent, set the overall company strategy and make sure there is always cash on hand to pay the bills. I like to use stories and metaphors as teaching tools to convey simple messages that have helped me build my companies. Here is a true story I call the parable of the leaning tower of garbage.

One day, I walked into the break room at my office, and I saw a new hire fresh out of college eating his lunch. I looked to the left, and I noticed the trash bin contained so much garbage that it was nearly toppling over. It was clear that the last three or even four employees had shoved in their lunch containers and used coffee cups, forming what looked like the end of an intense Jenga game. I looked back over at the young man, and I asked him a question: “Do you want to be successful?”

He looked back at me nervously and shook his head yes. I told him there are two types of people in this world: The first are those who take personal responsibility for their lives and take immediate action; the second are people who assume other people will handle everything for them. 

Then I pointed to the trash bin and said, “It looks like you are about to finish your lunch — are you going to try to balance your rubbish on this leaning tower of garbage? Or are you planning to close this bag, put in a new one and take out the trash?”

As he began to speak, I stopped him and told him not to answer me and said that if he wanted to find happiness and success and accomplish his greatest dreams, he should always be the kind of person willing to take the extra minute to do things the right way.

Then I pushed the leaning tower in, closed the bag, replaced it with a new one and walked the garbage to the dumpster.

Everyone from my most junior staff member to my most seasoned executive must understand our core values to find success. Everything filters through your core values in business. The philosophy of doing all the small things right, including picking up litter and taking out the trash, comes directly from my parents.

My parents displayed this beautifully throughout my life and in the business world. They genuinely showed me the importance of taking responsibility for the little things and not assuming other people would do them for me. My father drilled into me from the time I was a young boy that the CEO should always take the garbage out, and my mother never hesitates to pick up a plastic cup or someone else’s rubbish as she walks the streets of New York City.

When you take responsibility and ownership for the simple, mundane tasks, you are then ready to tackle the mission-critical goals and help your business flourish in the process. As a leader, you set the example for your entire organization. 

As a postscript to my story, this young man did not answer me with his words but, more impressively, answered me with his actions. I often catch him taking out the trash.

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