Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Three Ways Patents Can Be Used As Early Innovation Triggers

Council Post: Three Ways Patents Can Be Used As Early Innovation Triggers

Council Post: Three Ways Patents Can Be Used As Early Innovation Triggers

Anant Kataria, CEO & Cofounder @ Sagacious IP. Ensuring Sagacious’s clients’ success with excellent IP support by a global 300-member team.

Have you ever wondered why, in this digital age, some businesses around the world skyrocket while others go under? In my experience, the difference lies in their approach to conducting business — specifically, their ability to predict and adapt to future technology trends.

Since the inception of “Industry 4.0” into various technologies, conventional businesses have been witnessing rapid automation. Consequently, predicting and adapting to emerging technology trends, especially with the help of intellectual property-based insights, has become more crucial than ever before. This is because emerging technologies are first filed as patents. After the patent is filed, the tech developed as products for commercial markets to eventually earn wide-scale acceptance by users.

As the CEO of a company that specializes in IP and patents, I know businesses can use patents as the earliest innovation triggers for better future planning.

Why patent intelligence?

In the world of business, it is crucial to have some resources at your disposal that help you understand technology trends and monitor competitors. Patent intelligence, a method of garnering insights from patents, is an indispensable resource that enables businesses to make informed decisions.

I believe companies that realize the importance of this intelligence stand to gain in multiple ways, from being better informed to devising effective business strategies. Despite this, in my experience, IP departments of businesses often struggle to gather conclusive evidence on time to show the emergence of new technologies, thereby potentially causing damage to their businesses.

Earliest Indicators Of Innovation Triggers

To understand why patents are considered the earliest indicators of innovation triggers, let us first discuss the Gartner hype cycle and its innovation trigger phase.

The Gartner hype cycle is a popular methodology that describes the journey of any novel technology or other innovation from its first appearance in the market to the peak of maturity. The cycle begins with an innovation trigger, when a new technology first appears in the market. However, these days, the changes in technologies first appear in the patent space as companies rush to file patents to have a monopoly on the innovative concept. Therefore, research occurring before the innovation trigger needs to be identified and captured.

Because patents play a crucial role as the earliest indicators of a technology’s conception, the following three IP-based approaches can be used to spot future technology trends:

1. Studying The Supply Chain

Knowing your supply chain can help you understand the impact that your business might see in the future. To understand this, let us consider the supply chain of smartphones: Notably, in the smartphone supply chain, original equipment manufacturers and suppliers include the circuit board suppliers, battery suppliers, and antenna, display and operating systems. Next in the chain are original design manufacturers that assemble or manufacture the smartphone. After that, the process of marketing, distribution and retailing takes place.

As evidenced by history, if a smartphone manufacturer experiences a disruption in this supply chain and fails to capture it, it could lose its position in the smartphone market. Alternatively, if it had taken over this disruption or identified it at an early stage by tracking IP activities in the specific technology industry of the supply chain, it could have maintained its position.

2. Learning About Aberrations In IP Activities

Another way of identifying future technology trends is by studying aberrations in the IP activities of your industry. In this, it is crucial to monitor companies that are moving in and out of your industry, as well as the movement of your industry as a whole. Currently, companies with conventional research methodologies are monitoring their technology space and competitors. However, it is equally important to monitor the entire industry. To understand this, let us consider the following two scenarios:

• Scenario No. 1: If patents in your industry are being cited by patents in any other industry, this implies that they are taking technology references from your industry to develop something in theirs. Such a development might soon intersect with your industry. These aberrations that might come up in your industry can be captured at an early stage by monitoring forward citations of your industry.

• Scenario No. 2: If patents in your industry start citing patents from another industry, this implies that people in your industry are taking technology references from some other industry to develop something in your industry (backward citation). Such a citation can be made either by the existing players or new entrants in your industry.

3. Understanding Disruptions In The Technology Space

The third way of spotting future technology trends is an industry-agnostic approach that focuses on identifying disruptions, followed by an evaluation of potential disruptions by business departments. For instance, rapid growth of internal patent classifications with respect to the time and number of individual players in those IPCs could indicate disruptions.

As an example, if the average compound annual growth rate of patent filings in IPC classes is 11%, but one IPC has a CAGR of 58%, then it is an outlier and might indicate a potential disruption. Such indications should be given serious thought and evaluated to understand how they can impact your business in the future.

Final Thoughts

Businesses are generally fickle — even more so in this digital age. Therefore, it is necessary to always stay a step ahead. Using patents to detect future technology trends is an approach you should consider for staying ahead of the curve and protecting your business.

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