Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Virtual Reality: A Game-Changer For Product Development

Council Post: Virtual Reality: A Game-Changer For Product Development

Council Post: Virtual Reality: A Game-Changer For Product Development

Ryan Gray is co-founder and CEO of SGW Designworks, a full-service product development and engineering firm featured in The Lean Startup.

When people think of virtual reality, many visualize the headsets used for digital gaming and entertainment. But there’s much more to this technology than meets the eye. More and more manufactured products are made using VR during the design and development phases. In fact, VR is quickly becoming a game-changer for companies wanting to build, market and sell their products.

While VR technology was invented in the mid-1900s, it took several decades for VR to be accepted as more than an overhyped novelty. Today, VR has catapulted past the gaming world and into the lives of everyday consumers. It has even paved the way for other immersive technologies, such as augmented reality.

Researchers from eMarketer estimate that 52.1 million people — 15.7% of the population — will use VR at least once per month this year and anticipates that number will jump to 60.8 million in 2022. As the co-founder and CEO of a product development company that uses VR, I’ve learned how to use this technology effectively firsthand.

How Product Developers Are Using VR

VR as a design tool has been mostly used on an enterprise level, specifically in designing physically large products (mainly because creating physical prototypes of these products is expensive, so a VR prototype has high value). In fact, internal development teams at corporations such as Ford, BMW and others are already using VR as part of their development workflow.

With VR, we have a way to experience, on a real scale, a product, piece of equipment, building, landscape, etc. Ten years ago, we were impressed when we could review 3D computer-aided design or renderings on a nice 1080P TV or monitor. Now, we can experience something in a manner that is much more representative of how it will exist in real life. This means design reviews and iterations can sometimes happen in VR instead of with physical prototypes. 

In the past, we would have looked at a rendering of a piece of large equipment on the TV screen, and someone might have asked, “That knob looks hard to reach. How high is it?” which might have led to building a physical mock-up to test if the user could reach the knob to turn it. However, in VR, we can now say, “I’m reaching up to the knob, but I can’t touch it.” We can achieve the same outcome without building a physical mock-up. This saves time and money and speeds up development cycles.

VR Technology: Attainable Even For Smaller Companies

While small and medium-sized companies won’t necessarily be able to leverage VR to the extent Ford is, this technology is becoming more attainable (and affordable), which allows it to aid in developing smaller products. For example, does your marketing team need to see what that enterprise router looks like mounted on a wall and compare multiple designs? VR might be able to help.

Over the past several years, my company has been using VR for this purpose. The system we use is untethered, meaning it doesn’t have to be hooked up to a PC. It has limited processing power, so the models we pull into it have to be simplified for them to run. But because it is stand-alone, we’re able to ship the headset to a client, who can put it on and, with a couple of clicks, review a product design. Then they send the headset back to us. The client never has to come to our office and needs no VR hardware of their own.

The Future Of VR In Product Development

Based on its potential and the increasing capabilities of VR, I believe this technology is here to stay in our domain of product design and development. As the processing power and affordability of stand-alone headsets increases, VR could increasingly displace physical prototypes in the development process, at least at some stages. And, as advanced cellular networks like 5G improve the VR experience, the market for cloud-based streaming applications will likely increase.

I predict this technology will also start to be used as a design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) tool, where manufacturers and designers will be able to manually assemble a product in VR to identify possibly problematic design features that make assembly difficult.

That said, there are, of course, some challenges associated with bringing VR into your product design and development workflow. For starters, stand-alone headsets have limited processing power onboard. This means your development team will need to learn how to optimize or simplify their 3D models so they can be viewed on the headset. This took our team a couple of weeks to figure out, and now it takes us roughly five engineer hours to optimize a product model.

More powerful VR systems can handle much more complex models, but they must be connected to a powerful computer running specific software. This would make it virtually impossible to physically send the VR headset to the client for a quick and high-impact design review.

The cost can also be a challenge for some companies. One of the great things about newer stand-alone VR headsets is the relatively low cost. But more powerful systems typically run anywhere from $800 to $1,000, and they also need a powerful PC to power them, often for an additional $1,100 to $2,000.

Additionally, the cost of learning to set up and use the systems is worth considering. Your engineers will spend a couple of weeks determining how to optimize models for VR and how to create VR experiences that work for your clients. They will also need to keep up with changes in software and hardware as the entire platform evolves.

Although the tools for using VR in product development are still new and often hard to use, firms that embrace this technology — as did the gamers of yesterday — will be poised to optimize their internal processes, improve how engineers and designers engage with clients, and decrease a product’s overall development cost and time to market.

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