Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: What Are The Best Products To Drop-Ship In 2020?

Council Post: What Are The Best Products To Drop-Ship In 2020?

Council Post: What Are The Best Products To Drop-Ship In 2020?

Age 21 Kamil Sattar Is The Founder & CEO of E-commerce Mentoring And The Leading Industry Expert Of Dropshipping 

Perhaps we should start off with what items not to drop-ship. (Of course, even this list probably has exceptions, and some of you can probably market some of these types of the product successfully.)

In general, you do not want to drop-ship anything that weighs above 5 pounds or 2.28 kilograms. The reason for this is that you do not want your shipping costs to impinge upon your profitability. Also, clothes can be a risky proposition as they tend to have a higher return rate. That is because sizes tend to differ from brand to brand and country to country.

Another type of product to be wary of as a beginner is jewelry. Cheap jewelry can also have a high return rate because the pictures make it look nice, yet when customers receive it, they are disappointed. Expensive jewelry is also a problem because it is prone to get drop-shippers scammed. It should go without saying that items like furniture can be quite expensive to ship and may affect profitability. While you can make money doing this, the risks are greater and may not be worth getting drop-shippers. Also, be aware that items with uncommon dimensions can also be more expensive to ship.

Consider staying away from designer items. They are easy to counterfeit, which leaves you vulnerable to legal action, and may require licensing. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “saturated product.” It is much harder for beginners to differentiate themselves from others when a product has already found success. While it is possible to find new ways to market, it is a more advanced tactic.

What To Consider Drop-Shipping

Of course, everyone recommends drop-shipping popular stuff. While this is definitely true, sometimes you can find true winners by not doing what everyone else is doing. To get ideas for products, you can go into your browser and search for things on places like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Google and many more.

You can also search with spy tools, such as Dropship Rabbit, E-Sniper, Drop-Point, Ad Spy, Big Spy and many more. The idea is for you to get a feel for products that are trending and ones that are currently successful. Don’t forget that Amazon and AliExpress can be great tools for product research. They each have bestseller and trending items tools. Unfortunately, it is tough to time it properly to be able to ride that wave simultaneously. That is why I recommend that you see what the successful stores are currently testing and think about the type of products that you want to test yourself.

Consider not selling things like watches, pet accessories, towels, large and heavy goods, perishable items, phone cases, face masks and gym wear. While you can find success with these types of products, they require superior marketing and higher budgets to gain traction.

When considering products, these are a few of the criteria that are important. You don’t need to fulfill all of the criteria, but try to increase your chances by filling as many of the boxes as possible:

1. Problem-Solving: Any product that we buy should help us solve a problem. It is up to you to determine if the problem that any given product solves is large enough for people to pay a premium for, giving you enough room for profit.

2. Emotional Element or Pain Resolution: People are willing to pay more for products that help them mitigate pain or ones that make them feel the passion. Think about people who collect Marvel toys as adults or purchase back posture correctors.

3. Wow Factor: Some products don’t have as much of an emotional appeal or pain resolution, but they still become winners. For example, the fidget spinner was novel and unique. Also, drones are just cool.

4. Marketable: You must be able to find good footage in order to convey your marketing message. Otherwise, you will have to create the pictures and the footage yourself. Speaking of the drone, some drones have cameras built into them that allow you to take amazing footage. Talk about a wow factor.

5. Low Competition: It’s a good idea to assess the competition. If you can find a product with relatively few stores selling it, yet it has high demand, you may be on to something.

6. High Perceived Value: It is hard to sell chintzy products these days. You should think about ordering the product yourself and verifying that it is of high quality.

7. Niched Down: These days, it has become harder to stay general. It may be a good idea for you to test down further. For example, rather than just having a fishing store, consider selling freshwater fishing supplies.

8. Evergreen vs. Seasonal: Seasonal products tend to die down after a few months. It can become frustrating. Evergreen products tend to be longer-lasting and can be more satisfying. For example, people will always have pets, and people will always have babies. It is even better when people need to buy new supplies for those types of niches.

9. And More: Remember that this isn’t an exact science, and these are just guidelines.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when choosing a product to drop-ship. It starts with finding a product that has demand currently coupled with your ability to market that product well.

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