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Discovering The Women Behind Modern-Day Paris

Discovering The Women Behind Modern-Day Paris

Paris-based writer and journalist Lindsey Tramuta’s new book The New Parisienne, which releases on July 7, paints portraits of more than 40 modern-day women in the beloved French capital. But these are not women who are perpetuating long-held notions of Parisian women. Instead, they are immigrants, Olympic athletes, aeronautical engineers, social entrepreneurs, urban strategists, and policymakers. They are not all French by birth, but a beautiful mix of the diversity of modern-day Paris.

In fact, Tramuta looks to break down this “myth” of the iconic French woman.

In the opening, she writes: “Seduction, style, beauty, and attitude have been seen as the marker and measure of the Parisian female mystique for generations. We speak little of her mind, her ambitions, her career, or her life experiences detached from her physical body. Instead, we focus on her collection of handbags and striped sailor tops, her innate ability to ride a bicycle across town in heels or let her hair loose with uncalculated abandon. Even the mundane of the everyday takes on a mystical élan, her face magnified by the deep, red lip we’re told she sports as a sign of her boldness, whether she’s picking up the dry cleaning or heading out for dinner.”

This Tramuta concludes is “an engineered, pervasive, and deeply troublesome myth.” It’s a simplification of a reality that no longer holds true. Yes, Parisian women are bold, noteworthy, and seductive — but for their actions, mind, and pursuits in life, she says.

Esha Chhabra: Why was it so vital to write this book? Is that romantic/idolized image of a Parisian woman so embedded in the culture even in France — or is that largely a foreign perspective looking in?

Lindsey Tramuta: There were two motivating factors. The first was that I saw this as a continuation of my first book, The New Paris, which looked at the city’s evolution and the cultural and societal shifts driving it. Narrow perspectives about the city go hand in hand with similarly myopic perspectives about the people who live there.

But I also saw this as an important topic to dig into as the #MeToo movement gained traction and led to a serious and sustained dialogue around the many other ways women are mistreated, misrepresented, effaced, and undervalued in French society. The fetishized image of Paris turned it into a brand and the same has happened to its women.

Worse, she’s reduced to a handful of qualities that perpetuate a whitewashed version of the average Parisian women (thin, heterosexual, able-bodied, affluent, and white) and that’s a depiction that began within France. So yes, it’s as much a problematic and reductive narrative in the French media landscape as it is abroad. 

Chhabra: How did you identify the women you wanted to highlight?

Tramuta: Within my own professional network there were women whose work I had long admired and whose perspectives on life and womanhood I found compelling. These were the most obvious places to start. But I wanted to make sure I incorporated a diversity of thought and industry so I looked beyond that — looking to women I was following or reading about. And finally, some of the early women I interviewed made recommendations which led me to many of the other women I spoke to and profiled. Sitting down with each of them to learn about their stories, even those I knew already, was the most rewarding part of the process.

Chhabra: What was the common thread amongst them all that you learned post interviews?

Each woman had an unmistakable commitment to the city, even if they didn’t articulate it as such. They expressed deep affection for Paris, even when it (or the people inhabiting it) had wronged them in some way. They’re all aiming to make it a better and more just place to live and work.

Chhabra: This book couldn’t be better timed given the diversity of women you profile. Do you feel that women in Paris of minority backgrounds have seen setbacks like those here in the U.S. or has Europe’s diversity helped in some way?

Tramuta: They may have a different history and cultural context but the oppressions and setbacks are legion in Paris. Many women in the book described feeling the long term impact of microaggressions (pressure to be the model minority; questioned about their origins; derided for speaking out about inadequate representation in media and corporate leadership; deadnaming, etc.) and how much work there is to be done to address the discrimination that exists. 

Chhabra: Of the entrepreneurs you interviewed, was there one story that really stuck with you?

Tramuta: I’m still struck by Rahaf Harfoush‘s journey from Syria to Canada to Switzerland and then, finally, to France. She credits the Canadian government’s multicultural openness and social foundation that allow immigrants to ascend for much of her success. All of her experiences have informed her research, her expertise on digital culture and behavior, and how she runs her business. 

Chhabra: How does this book fit into the larger debate around women in leadership roles today? Clearly, the world needs some new political leaders. Do you see growing evidence through your interviews that women can actually help solve social issues?

Tramuta: We need to rethink the way we talk about and elevate women, globally. Focusing on Parisian women as a sample seemed to me to be a useful sample to discuss broader change that is needed: more women, and women of color, in top political leadership and C-Suite roles; less wage disparity to allow women to ascend; greater access to funding for more women to pursue entrepreneurship; and stronger representation in books, magazines, films, and news broadcasts.

Women are leading the charge already, that was clear to me from speaking with these women, but they can’t do it alone. The women of this book believe men need to be part of the change, to step out of the way for women to rise and to fight for the equality that continues to be lacking. We need solidarity and sisterhood among women and allyship with men. Those needs transcend Paris.



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