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How To Form Good Habits That Will Last

How To Form Good Habits That Will Last

By Heather Cherry— 

The new year always inspires the formation of new habits and resolutions. Often, those good habits don’t always stick. Studies show that approximately 80 percent of people give up or fail within the first 30 days of setting resolutions. 

You don’t have to be another statistic. Instead, here’s how to form good habits that will last.

Identify Your Triggers

Developing good habits is only useful if you also know (and understand) what is likely to deter them. Specific scenarios or events may trigger you and cause a routine or habit—this is known as the habit loop

Habit loops can happen in any scenario, regardless of the cause. For example, each day in the afternoon, you go to your local coffee shop for an afternoon pick-me-up. While at the coffee shop, you indulge in a sweet treat, even though you told yourself you wouldn’t. While enjoying your coffee and treat, you chat with others—whether it’s the staff, patrons, or an accompanied coworker. 

This situation could be considered a negative habit loop. Before you can stop indulging in this habit, you first need to decide what triggers you to want to partake in this scenario and the reward. Do you value the treat, coffee, or casual conversation during a workday the most? 

Understand your triggers and how you respond—checking in with your feelings as you navigate new habits.

Create A Plan

The old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” couldn’t be more accurate, especially when it comes to habit-forming. You didn’t develop all of your bad habits at once, and you certainly can’t change them that quickly either. Instead of adopting the “all or nothing” mentality, opt to develop a plan focusing on small success moments. 

Incorporate into your plan steps you can take to bounce back if (or when) failure happens. Take responsibility for whatever caused the failure—there will be other opportunities.  

Slipping up on your good habits will happen. The difference between success and failure is the ability to be resilient. Bouncing back despite your animosities helps you achieve your dreams and develops long-lasting perseverance and resourcefulness habits. 

Add Instead Of Taking Away

You’ll be more likely to form lasting good habits if you focus on adding positive things versus taking negative things away. For example, if you’re aiming to eat healthier in the new year, instead of taking away something like your favorite ice cream—add something healthy instead, like a daily dose of fruits and vegetables.

The act of adding will help you avoid feeling deprived and set you up for long-term success. You can apply this concept to your job or business. Think about ways to integrate one positive habit into your daily routine. Once you succeed, keep challenging yourself to add more—soon, you’ll be well on your way to numerous good habits for the long haul. 

Think Positive 

Positive thinking is a crucial component of long-lasting good habits. Whenever you decide to forge ahead into new routines, one of the biggest obstacles between you and your success will be yourself. Positive thinking and mindfulness can help you maintain your good habits by keeping a level head.

Positive thinking tends to boost overall happiness, decreases stress and anxiety, and your ability to solve problems and think strategically. 

The opposite of positive thinking is negative self-talk. Be aware of how your negative self-talk can influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Don’t allow it to persist because it can become destructive. 

Commit To Yourself 

It’s easy to lose sight of your good habits—whether big or small—when facing difficulty or feeling overwhelmed at the moment. Focusing on your habits might be precisely what you need. 

When you feel less than motivated to continue with your good habits, look to motivational techniques to instigate and sustain goal-directed behavior. 

Five Motivational Techniques for Self-Motivation Include: 

  1. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
  2. Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes
  3. Finish What You Started
  4. Educate Yourself
  5. Believe In Yourself And Never Give Up 

Celebrate Small Wins 

Relish in the small accomplishments. Doing so will help you stay motivated to achieve something bigger and better. Plus, it will give you the momentum to maintain your good habits for the long-term. 

When you reward yourself, you stimulate your brain’s circuit that gives you a sense of achievement. 

Rewarding yourself each step of the way boosts your strength and power, helping you achieve the impossible. 

Evaluate And Assess 

Good habit forming is an ongoing process—requiring constant evaluation and assessment of your accomplishments. This includes evaluating the things that might be holding you back. 

Individuals strive for a sense of belief they can influence essential events in their lives. Self-efficacy (perceived capabilities) results from self-reflection that is evaluative and goal-oriented. The perception of progress increases and sustains self-efficacy and motivation, helping you remain grounded, productive, and empowered. 

Take time to evaluate your habits (both good and bad) and eliminate the ones that feel like a waste of your time—or worse, requires more energy than it reciprocates or distracts you. Use the new year to forge ahead into good habits that will last long after you get started. Don’t let yourself get discouraged; you’ve got this! 

Heather Cherry is a Marketing Consultant and Copywriter. She self-published, Market Your A$$ Off. She holds a master’s degree in Professional Writing from Chatham University.



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