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How To Stay Authentic In Any Situation

How To Stay Authentic In Any Situation

By Sarah Jeanne Browne

It’s never too late to be unapologetically you.

Authenticity is more than just being true to yourself. It’s how you face life—with dignity, courage and sincerity no matter the situation. Every interaction and experience is an expression of your Authentic Self. However, it does not mean to be without filter or boundaries. It does not mean without sacrifice. It does not mean “easy.” It means you have a chance to rise to any occasion without omitting who you are. It’s not just being who you are, it’s loving who you are. Take up space, even when you feel small. 

It does not mean to fake it until you make it; it means face it until you make it. Face yourself so when you make a decision, you are authentic. Authenticity is simply being in tune with one’s own humanity, and using it for good. What you have to offer is enough.

It means when others try to put you in a box, you defy it. Instead of selling out, you salvage your soul. You are not just a witness to your life, you are an active participator. You are not a user, you are unique. Authenticity also means you live freely.

So, who are you really

You can become authentic in the following four ways:

1) Differentiation

How did you become you?

Upbringing, culture, family, school, relationships, belief systems, experiences (good and bad), attachments and more can all help to establish your identity. But they do not ultimately determine who you are. Differentiating yourself from them can help to find a way to find who you are, regardless of where you come from.

There are four stages to Psychological Differentiation, or differentiating yourself from other influences to follow your own ideas. This is where you separate yourself from what you are not, in order to find who you are. And note the causes of your character.

The stages are as follows:

Identifying the Inner Critic:

Where does that idea of yourself come from? Choose to listen to your inner voice rather than your inner critic. The inner critic operates from a place of “should” such as “You should be this or being that.” The inner voice is more in tune with your authentic self because it is your gut feeling or intuition about what’s right for you. Each day you are making a decision about what you listen to. Let go of who you think you SHOULD be and embrace who you COULD be. 

Finding faults, given to you by other people or experiences.

Maybe these faults came from frustration, or focusing on the wrong things. Getting to the bottom of why you are the way you are is a must. Self-kindness is also important here. Remember, you’re human.

Discovering your defenses:

What guard do you have up towards being true to yourself and showing others the real you? What are you afraid will come out? Why is vulnerability lacking in your life?

Initiating Independence:

What goals, interests, decisions, values can you make independently of other influences? Influences and independent thought can coexist. One does not have to cancel the other out. But knowing who you are without others’ input is a powerful thing.

All you need to be authentic is to know thyself. 

2) Recall a Time You Were Authentic

There was a study done by Yona Kifer and colleagues at Tel Aviv University where they asked one group of people to recall a time they were authentic. Then, in their mind, they were told to relive it. Another group was told to recall a time they were inauthentic and relive it in their mind as well. Afterward, they were asked to record how they felt presently, whether they were happy or not. The ones who relived the authentic time were happy, and the ones who relived the inauthentic time were unhappy. You can do this practice, too.

Happiness is tied with authenticity. If you want to become immediately happy, think of a time you were authentic. Think of a time you followed your values and made your choices from character. Think of a time you chose yourself over the alternative. 

If studies can show that authenticity affects happiness, then you can be happy at any time just by being authentic. And if you have trouble with authenticity, reflect on a time you were able to achieve it. Authenticity, in all, is like an art. You can shape and mold how you present yourself according to what matters to you. Anyone can be authentic.

According to ScienceDaily there was a survey by the Action for Happiness that showed self-acceptance strongly led to satisfaction with life, but it was also the least practiced habit. While anyone can be authentic, many choose not to have self-acceptance or lead their lives with authenticity. That may be why it’s easy to feel true authenticity is few and far between. Yet, it is one of the most valuable things we can be. All you have to do is find your authentic self.

3) Find Your Authentic Self

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” – Sophie Bush

What are positive attributes about yourself? List them. You can turn them into “I Am” statements. This is an exercise you can do anytime to remind yourself that what you have far outweighs what you do not. Or, on days you feel afraid, you can say, “I am brave.” That type of positive self-talk or affirmations can redirect you to feeling more powerful. It doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. You just have to see the beauty of being you.

Take time for yourself. Self-care is not selfish. Let go of any other definition of you that isn’t yours. You define you. There is only one you. You have innate worth. Celebrate yourself now and then. 

4) Overcome Obstacles to Authenticity

“There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.” – Unknown

What gets in the way of authenticity? What’s stopping you?

  • Do you care about what others think?
  • Are you obsessed with changing yourself no matter the cost?
  • Do you feel good enough?
  • Do you fear rejection?
  • Do you know what you want most out of life? Is what you want or what others want?

The Looking Glass Self, a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley, is your idea of how others perceive you. Your behavior may be based on that perception rather than authenticity. This caters to people pleasing and less risk taking, less originality. Yet, it is often how you think others see you is how you want them to see you. It is not always accurate. You may have a “sociometer” where you evaluate your popularity and image among other people. And act accordingly. But sometimes, authenticity means standing alone. It takes self-worth to succeed.

Knowing who you are and what you want leads to vitality, growth and happiness. It leads to…yourself! If you have difficulty being authentic due to shame, know this can be a reason you may wear a mask. Shame from inauthenticity is when you fear vulnerability and seeming “less than” or weak so you hide. Owning your story is how you take off that shame mask. Shine your light. And be all you can be. You don’t have to do it all at once. Find empathetic listeners and support systems. You can make progress over time. But if you own your story, others will step forward with theirs, too. 

The story you tell yourself also matters. There is always a choice as to how to perceive the Self and act and what you tell yourself. How do you see yourself? Choose kindness for yourself each time. Self-love creates the ambition to be authentic. All you need is inside you.

As the poem by Adam Roa goes,

“So start today,

take a good long look in the mirror and say

‘I am who I’ve been looking for.’”


Authenticity leads you to think your own thoughts and value yourself. It leads becoming a better you. But most of all, it helps you to stay focused on the right things. It helps you to keep moving when you want to stop. All you have to do is choose to be it. Make a promise to yourself that you will be authentic no matter what. Then, you have already won.

How will you be your most authentic self today?

Sarah Jeanne Browne is a speaker, writer and activist who has been published on Lifehack, Tiny Buddha, Thrive Global and more. See @sarahjbrowne.



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