Home Business Startup & Funding Insurers Battle Broadway Theater Owner Over Pandemic Payout

Insurers Battle Broadway Theater Owner Over Pandemic Payout

Insurers Battle Broadway Theater Owner Over Pandemic Payout

The Broadway theater owner that gave a home to the original production of Spring Awakening now finds itself the victim of a rude awakening.

According to a new lawsuit, executives at Jujamcyn Theaters were shocked to learn that its insurance companies would not cover most of its losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Instead of honoring their promises, Federal [Insurance Company] flatly denied coverage, refusing to pay even a penny to help Jujamcyn, and Pacific [Indemnity Company] adopted an interpretation severely limiting how much it would pay Jujamcyn,” complained lawyers for the theater owner, which is now seeking damages in New York federal court.

On March 12, Governor Cuomo ordered all Broadway theaters to close in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. While it had been reported that two ushers had tested positive for COVID-19, at least seven individuals working in Jujamcyn houses had contracted the virus, and “[c]ountless individuals, asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, or otherwise, were present at Jujamcyn’s theaters prior to March 12, 2020, who may have unknowingly spread the virus inside the theaters and to countless others before returning to the cities, states, and countries from which they came,” admitted the lawyers.

Jujamcyn Theaters, which had previously welcomed about 48,000 customers to its theaters every week, now welcomed none, and the company submitted insurance claims to cover its losses.

Its policy with Federal Insurance Company protects the business from losses suffered as a result of “direct physical loss or damage” to its theaters. There are no specific exclusions for viruses, communicable diseases, or pandemics, and the policy also requires the insurance firm to pay any losses “incur[red] due to the actual impairment of [its] operations, directly caused by the prohibition of access to [its] premises … by a civil authority.”

“Jujamcyn reasonably expected Federal to pay under its policy for Jujamcyn’s financial losses,” stated its lawyers. The insurance company “knew, and publicly acknowledged, that [it] could be obligated to pay for massive losses in the event of a pandemic,” and it “knew that [it] could use common and widely available exclusions to guard against being obligated to pay for pandemic-associated losses.”

But, nevertheless, Jujamcyn’s insurance claim was denied.

Federal Insurance Company responded that its policy only covers losses resulting from “physical loss or damage” to the theaters like a fire or a leak, and the coronavirus did not cause any physical loss or damage. “Generally, ‘physical loss or damage’ means that the physical structure or physical characteristics of the property have been altered by a ‘covered peril’,” stated its representatives, and the “[l]oss of use or diminished value of property that has not been physically altered will not be considered ‘physical loss or damage.’”

In addition, although the insurance company recognized that Governor Cuomo closed the theaters, it argued that access to them is not actually prohibited. “Regular check-ins to ensure all locations are okay have been conducted,” its representatives wrote.

Jujamcyn insisted that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has described the coronavirus as “causing property loss and damage,” and it cited to some California and Oregon court cases in which “the contamination of property by a hazardous substance has been deemed to constitute property damage.” Federal Insurance Company “has litigated and lost this issue,” argued its attorneys.

However, the outcome might be different in New York, where judges tend to require physical damage.

When construction scaffolding collapsed on 43rd Street in 1998, and theatergoers could not access the Stephen Sondheim Theatre, its landlord, the Roundabout Organization, submitted an insurance claim to cover its losses for the cancelled performances. The claim was denied, and the Roundabout Organization sued the insurance company in New York state court. But, the appellate court sided with the insurer, emphasizing that “the language of the business interruption clause in the policy clearly and unambiguously provides coverage only where there is direct physical loss or damage to the insured’s property.”

Last month, when a New York magazine publisher sued its insurance company after denying its insurance claim for losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the judge brought up the old Roundabout case. “What is the damage?” she asked.

“I feel bad for every small business that is having difficulties during this period of time,” the judge said. “But, New York law is clear that this kind of business interruption needs some damage to the property,” she stated.

The other insurance company also declined to make Jujamcyn Theaters whole.

Its policy with Pacific Indemnity Company covers losses that the business suffers from the cancellation, interruption, or postponement of any performance that is “caused by or results from a covered occurrence.” The term “covered occurrence” refers to anything beyond Jujamcyn Theater’s control, and the insurance policy limits the payout for each covered occurrence to $250,000.

When reviewing Jujamcyn Theaters’ claim, however, the insurance company took the position that the pandemic was a single covered occurrence across all five of its theaters. Pacific Indemnity Company did not recognize the losses that each theater suffered individually, and it paid Jujamcyn Theaters only $250,000.

“Pacific deprived Jujamcyn of the financial protection that it needs to weather the past, present and future circumstances associated with the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and actions to ‘flatten the curve,’ rebound from its financial losses, and continue operating,” complained the attorneys for the theater owner.



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