Home Business Startup & Funding List of Indiana Grants for Small Business

List of Indiana Grants for Small Business

List of Indiana Grants for Small Business

If you live in the state of Indiana and you seek to become a small business owner, then this article hopefully will provide you with what you need. Below includes Indiana grants for small businesses you can seek out if you planning on opening your own company.

Indiana Grants and You

According to their website, the United States Grants website reveals that they have over $13,346,000 in both grants and local government funding. So, a majority of the federal budget of Indiana is allocated to the business sector every single year. Keep in mind, that this is because all businesses, both the small mom-and-pop shop and giant corporations are large factors in the economic growth of Indiana. In the entire state of Indiana, there are 111,972 businesses.

Business Sector

The state’s business sector is broken down by size. Here is how it works:

  • 61,984 registered businesses have 0-4 employees. This includes those who work at home and have sole proprietorship.
  • 20,320 registered businesses have 5-9 employees.
  • 10,886 registered businesses have 10-19 employees.
  • 10,957 registered businesses have 20-99 employees.
  • 2,932 registered businesses in Indiana have 100-499 employees.
  • Over 2,893 registered businesses have over 500 employees.

Service Sector

This list is Indiana’s business sector breakdown, but regarding their service industries. Here is how it is broken down:

  • 12,997 registered businesses are in the following sectors: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector.
  • 7,419 registered businesses are in the following sectors: Administrative, Support, Waste Management, and Remediation Services sector.
  • 12,770 registered businesses are in the following sectors: Accommodation and Food Services sector.
  • Over 16,809 registered businesses in Indiana are a part of the service industry but do not relate to any of the sectors mentioned above.

Now, if you are a farmer, you are in luck because the farming industry in Indiana is able to apply for small business grants. Indeed, there are well over 61,000 farms in the state.

Grant Difficulties

However, in the state of Indiana, starting up and running a small business can be difficult. Indeed, the reason is that over $88,394,198,000 are paid to employees and over 49,310 businesses declare bankruptcy every year. In addition, the federal government itself does not provide grants publicly to start their own companies.

But, some Indiana grants are given to business owners to begin their own ventures and the grant recipients are not required to pay back the grants that are from the government. So, if you are looking to start up a business, the Indiana grants are one of the best sources.

So, to apply for an Indiana grant, get in contact with the Indiana financial aid agencies.

Below includes the list of Indiana grants that are available for use.



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