Home Business Startup & Funding Meet Your New Pantry Staple – Omsom Brings Unapologetic Asian Flavors To...

Meet Your New Pantry Staple – Omsom Brings Unapologetic Asian Flavors To Your Kitchen


The Asian American food market is growing fast – and it is underserved. Immigrants and their children make up 1/3 of the US population, and Asians have the fastest growing buying power of this segment. Vietnamese-American sisters Kim and Vanessa Pham recognized this as a huge unmet need in the market.

“It’s a pivotal time for the Asian American community,” Vanessa shared. “Now, more than ever, we’re stepping into our voices and our power, influencing American media, culture, and diets. We’re building Omsom because we hope to honor and celebrate the communities and cuisines represented.” The goal is to make authentic Asian flavors more accessible at home with their new company, Omsom.

Omsom, which originates in the Vietnamese word for ‘rowdy,’ was slated to launch in March. Then COVID-19 hit. Some investors told them to pull back, but they decided to accelerate. “We are a cook-at-home product. Now more than ever people are re-discovering the joys of cooking at home. We are an accessible pantry item, not a luxury brand. We decided to push the gas pedal and accelerate,” says co-founder Kim Pham. Each Omsom starter packs all the aromatics, sauces, and seasonings you need for iconic Asian dishes.

Omsom’s products focus on giving Asians, Asian-Americans, and those who love the cuisine the authentic experience of cooking iconic Asian dishes, but without needing to find ingredients like Filipino calamansi puree and Thai chili flakes that are often hard to locate. “We are an Asian-food business, with a deep commitment to cultural integrity,” Kim tells me. “Ninety percent of our ingredients are imported from Asia. We had imported most ingredients pre-COVID, but some, like toasted rice powder, were delayed. Thankfully [co-founder] Vanessa was thinking way ahead of schedule. With Omsom, our community can enjoy their family favorites as they cook more at home, and even when they can’t see their families.”

Their strategy remains, “largely unchanged, with a big asterisk,” Kim continues. The asterisk lies in a few critical pivots that they made. The Pham sisters found creative ways to reduce their cash burn and extend their runway. Kim is managing photoshoots out of her home, and Vanessa is overseeing R&D and testing remotely as their suppliers overnight product samples. And they have changed payment terms with their chef-partners to support them as they weather the impact that COVID-19 has had on the restaurant industry.

Omsom investor Peter Livingston of Unpopular Ventures is bullish about the company. “Omsom is a business that will thrive through this – they are just launching, and the business has attractive economics.” He adds, “Consumers are stuck at home and bored. They want to have good food and spice up their life. Omsom would have done well without a pandemic….they are going to see a lot of tailwinds from COVID by the nature of their product and what they are selling.” 

Omsom’s approach to R&D is resonating, especially with their chef community. Renowned Filipina chef Nicole Ponseca of NYC’s Jeepney restaurant was described in Rachel Ray’s Magazine as “one of the pioneers in Filipino food in NY.” In the magazine, Ponseca describes her ambition: “My intent was, how can I blast Filipino food through Americana while still retaining identity?” 

Ponseca told me that “chefs are now forging new alliances to weather the storm and continue to bring their artistry to the world.” The Pham sisters approached Ponseca to collaborate on a Filipino meal starter that would support her mission of pushing Filipino food into the mainstream. Ponseca shares, “We are 4 million strong in the US, and the second largest growing Asian group in America. It was bound to happen that our paths would cross. We share a lot in common, aside from gender and immigrant roots – it is a rarity to find such like-minded founders in this space.”

Ponseca was attracted to working with Kim and Vanessa because of their commitment to bringing bold starters into home cooking, “without dumbing down the flavors. OmSom is like a sous chef for home cooks.” Omsom is also collaborating with Thai chefs Chat and Ohm Suansilphong of Fish Cheeks and Vietnamese chef Jimmy Ly of Madame Vo for their initial collection.

Ponseca shares the experience of having been through past crises in New York. “I have been through 9-11 and Hurricane Sandy in New York, and I survived as a business owner, but this is a whole other level requiring me to flex in a way I have never flexed before….I don’t know what’s next – and I say that with vulnerability. Just stay in the game, stay in the ring, hands in front of your face so that you get to the next round.”

Both the Pham sisters and Ponseca strongly feel that their immigrant roots position them well to weather this crisis. “We are returning to our bootstrapped days, with a scrappy mentality of what can we do ourselves, and how do we operate efficiently,” Kim tells me. “COVID-19 has us returning to what we’re good at. It’s not about having the most perfect, shiny marketing and brand. It’s about building with heart for a community which doesn’t need all the bells and whistles.”

Omsom launches today.



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