Home Business Startup & Funding Sign Up Now: Boxed’s Chieh Huang in an Inc. Streaming Event, October...

Sign Up Now: Boxed’s Chieh Huang in an Inc. Streaming Event, October 28

Sign Up Now: Boxed’s Chieh Huang in an Inc. Streaming Event, October 28

Join Inc. for a conversation with Boxed’s Chieh Huang Wednesday, October 28, at 3 p.m. ET.

Huang and his co-founders launched bulk grocery e-commerce Boxed in 2013 from his parents’ garage in New Jersey. The risk paid off when Boxed grew from $40,000 in sales to more than $100 million in just three years. In Inc.’s Real Talk streaming event series, Huang will share how he raised $132 million in venture capital, why he feels responsible for each of the company’s 400 employees, and what it really takes to compete with giant retailers such as Amazon.



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