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Social Isolation And The Coronavirus: 8 Surprising Reasons You’ll Be Thrilled To Get Back To Your Office

Social Isolation And The Coronavirus: 8 Surprising Reasons You’ll Be Thrilled To Get Back To Your Office

Are you surprised by how much you’re missing your office right now? With COVID-driven furloughs and work from home policies in place, many of us are wishing for a return to our normal work experience. You may not have always loved your workplace or your office campus, but at this point, you may be longing for it in ways you would never have expected.

It’s logical that you want to get back to your workplace, even if it wasn’t perfect. Work is fundamentally social and no matter what your personality style, you’ve likely appreciated working with others—in person—toward common goals and worthwhile endeavors.

New research from Qualtrics points to mental health challenges* we are facing worldwide based on the coronavirus. The study surveyed 2,700 people in the US, UK, France, Germany, Singapore, Australia and New Zeeland. Its respondents represent a variety of industries from food service and retail to manufacturing, technology, education, healthcare and government. It tapped the opinions of those who work from an office, those who are new to working remotely, those who have always worked remotely and more.

Social isolation is a key issue and 75% of all respondents say they feel more socially isolated than before the pandemic began. They feel isolated because they are

  • Spending most of their day at home.
  • Having less in-person interactions.
  • Experiencing less of their typical social outlets.

Interestingly, the longer people work from home, the more mental stress they experience. Specifically, after two or more weeks working from home, people are 50% more likely to say they have more chronic sadness and fatigue.

This data indicates there’s something we miss about the office—something it provides we just can’t get at home. As a sociologist who has studied work for more than two decades, it comes down to these eight elements:

Effortless contact with people. We are wired to connect and be part of a community, and the office provides a sense of togetherness relatively automatically. You run into someone in the parking lot and walk into the building with them. You greet the receptionist as you enter the building and you smile at someone as you’re both hanging up your coats. These are the effortless connections that are possible in the office—even with people you don’t know well—and it’s validating to be showing up for something together.

Meeting rooms to help your memory. Physical surroundings help you remember topics, conversations and decisions. You’ve likely found yourself recalling the idea you and the team developed in that certain conference room or the challenging discussion you had in a particular enclave. Spatial features tend to lock together with concepts in our memories. When you’re at home, you’re likely in the same room in front of the same screen day after day. Conversations run together, and the unique aspects of discussions are more difficult to discern. The office provides variety, and it provides places for memories to be cemented.

Whiteboards to help you co-create. While virtual murals work well, there is nothing quite like gathering together with colleagues around a white board with markers or sticky notes. Being together and rolling up your sleeves to develop new ideas is energizing and empowering.

Pathways between meetings. Offices provide for movement throughout a floor, a building or a campus. This movement is good for your health because it helps you get your steps, and it also provides time for reflection. Rather than simply disconnecting from one video call and logging onto the subsequent one, you get breathing space and time to reflect between one set of meeting topics and the next.

Access to leaders and coworkers. A benefit at the office is the ability to connect with more distant members of your network. At your workplace, you’re more likely to run into the executive in the work café, allowing you to connect, ask questions and stay on her radar screen. You’re also more likely to bump into the colleague you worked with a few years ago and check in on his new project. While these may not be people you would reach out to intentionally, being in the office together keeps you connected with your more distant—but still valuable—network.

Distance from home. Home and work each have their own challenges, and when you’re working from home, they blend together. You may not be able to get away from either set of issues. Going to the office helps you let go of certain things at home. You may have six loads of laundry that need folding or you’re in the middle of a disagreement with your partner, but you can get a healthy break at the office during your workday.

Boundaries based on your commute. One of the things people report about working from home (whether they’ve always done it or whether it’s a requirement of the pandemic) is they have trouble separating from work because it’s always there. Going into an office and coming home help reinforce a boundary. Once you’re back to working in an office, you can always log on from home, but mentally, it’s easier to set and maintain the boundary. The other great thing about a commute is the opportunity to warm up at the beginning of the day or cool down at the end. Even if your travel is short, you can anticipate the day and get your head in the game. At the end of the day, you can reflect and decompress before engaging with your life at home.

Routine. Routines create rhythms to your day which can help you get things done. Having a physical place to go outside of the home reinforces this routine. While you may start your workday in your home office or at your kitchen island each morning at about the same time, you may not have the discipline to begin at an assigned hour. Arriving at a workplace by a certain time infuses much-needed structure and normalcy to your day.

Before the pandemic, you may have taken your office for granted. But as they say, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” which may be why new data shows an increase in social isolation, chronic sadness and fatigue. Fondness for your office can be motivated by effortless access to people, meeting rooms that help your memory, whiteboards that support co-creation or pathways that allow you time to reflect. The office can offer access to your distant network or a healthy distance from your life at home. Even your commute or the routine of showing up at work away from home can be helpful.

For now, being home is the best contribution we can make to help flatten the curve, but we will emerge at some point in a new normal. And many of us will celebrate a return to the office!

*For those who need support, the NAMI helpline is 800-950-NAMI (6264).



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