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Square BrandVoice: 5 Marketing Emails That Drive Sales

Square BrandVoice: 5 Marketing Emails That Drive Sales

Email marketing pays off, in a big way. Connecting with customers through email earns between $30 and $50 for nearly every dollar invested, according to the UK-based Data & Marketing Association. Emails that customers find useful and interesting to read keep your subscribers wanting more and incentivize them to stay subscribed to your list. 

While often the goal of email marketing is sales, the first priority is building a relationship with customers, which in turn can lead to many sales over time. Each email should have a clearly defined goal that works on building trust while also driving sales, through clicks on the website and product views. 

READ MORE: Everything You Need to Know About Email Marketing

Creating the type of email marketing that drives sales requires careful planning and design. Keep these tips in mind when writing customer emails:

  • Use a catchy and value-driven subject line to increase your email open rate.
  • Include high quality, relevant images in your emails.
  • Use a professional and simple design.
  • Write concise text.
  • Lean on a diverse internal audience to review your email.
  • Track sales and purchases to determine which emails work best for your customers.
  • Include a strong call-to-action (CTA) in each email, such as clicking on the website, downloading a report or chatting with a representative. 

The most important considerations are your message and the type of email you write. You must give your customers a reason to open your email, read your message, and then visit the website. 

Here are five ways to use email marketing to increase your sales.

Share your new product arrivals

A new shipment of products gives you a great reason to reach out to customers. You can generate more traffic to your website from both occasional and frequent customers by telling them about your latest arrivals. If you regularly receive shipments on a specific day of the week, consider sending a weekly email that showcases your latest wares. Doing so gives your subscribers something to expect, and hopefully look forward to, every week.

  • Consider creating a theme for each new product email, such as “Holiday Baking Items” or “Get Ready for the Ski Slopes.”
  • Use photos that show the products being worn or used. A photo of someone bringing your homemade banana bread to a holiday party or sharing it with their family for a cozy breakfast helps customers envision your product in their lives.
  • Keep the number of new products to no more than seven. More than seven can make the email feel overwhelming.
  • Include easy-to-find product links to encourage visits to your website. 

Remind customers about items left in their online cart

Sending out abandoned cart emails ensures that you aren’t leaving money on the table. Abandoned cart emails are sent out when a customer leaves your website without purchasing an item in their cart. This type of email serves as a reminder to go back and buy the product. People often get busy or distracted and forget to complete their purchases, even if they meant to.

  • Craft a catchy subject line. While “Forgot Something?” works in a pinch, the more personalized and relevant the subject line, the better
  • Include a large picture and a short description of the product
  • Keep the text brief
  • Provide a “Buy Now” button in the email to encourage the customer to complete the purchase

Provide a discount code or announce a sale

Everyone loves a sale. And receiving an email that contains a discount code or coupon gets customers excited and gives them a reason to buy now. Consider creating a theme for your sale emails, such as an upcoming holiday or end-of-season clearance.

  • Announce the sale in the subject line.
  • Use product photos whenever possible.
  • Use a large font to announce the discount.
  • For online sales, include a quick link to the sale section of your website.

Share tips and tricks with your customers

You want your customers to view you as an expert resource for your products, and you need to show them that you are the expert they want you to be. You can build this kind of trust with your customers, and eventually drive more sales, by sending emails that don’t directly try to sell them your products or services.

A pet sitter, for example, can share tips on reducing a pet’s anxiety during fireworks. A landscaper may share how to keep weeds out of the garden. The possibilities are endless. You may feel like you lower your value to your customers by teaching them parts of your job. In reality, you become more valuable to them and they’ll keep coming back to you because you have proven to them that you are an expert at what you do.

  • Write a subject line that addresses the customers’ current challenges.
  • Keep the text about the tip short and concise.
  • If you have a blog that elaborates on the tip, include a link in the email.
  • Limit product mentions or links to one or two.
  • Link to a discussion on your Facebook page that relates to the tip so your customers can share the information with others. Remember, the people they share with could be potential new customers for you.
  • Invite your customers to reach out to you for more ideas or help on the subject.
  • Include a clear CTA that drives traffic to the website and product pages of relevant products.

Suggest another product

You can increase sales by using what you know about your customers to make personalized recommendations. If a customer recently bought plants from your garden store, a follow-up email could mention popular garden tools. In addition to increasing sales, your customers will feel that you understand their needs when you provide information about relevant products. Make sure that the products you suggest are appropriate. Suggesting products that don’t make sense for the customer can result in a loss of trust.

  • Include a clear, high-quality photo of the suggested product.
  • Clearly state why you are sending the email, such as “We hope your new plants look great in your garden. Here are a few tools to save time (and your knees).”
  • Include a link to the product on your website to make it as easy as possible for the customer to make that purchase.

Email is such a part of our daily lives that it’s easy to overlook the impact thoughtful emails can have on your customers. Your emails should strike the fine balance between both building a relationship and driving traffic to your website for sales. By taking the time to carefully craft both the emails and your strategy, your customers look forward to receiving your emails and your business becomes, even more, a part of their lives.

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