Home Business Startup & Funding Sweetgreen Returns $10 Million PPP Loan, But It May Not Get Redistributed

Sweetgreen Returns $10 Million PPP Loan, But It May Not Get Redistributed



Sweetgreen, the $1.6 billion fast-casual salad chain,  said today it would return the $10 million Paycheck Protection Program loan it received, citing small businesses and friends in the industry who “needed it the most” and yet received no money, but due to congressional policy, the money may not actually get reallocated in that manner. 


“We learned that the money had run out and so many small businesses and friends in the industry who needed it most did not receive any funds,” said Sweetgreen cofounders Jonathan Neman, Nicolas Jammet and Nathaniel Ru in a Medium post.  “Knowing that, we quickly made the decision to return the loan.”

Sweetgreen is a fast-casual salad chain that has 100-plus outposts around the world, a $1.6 billion valuation and $350 million of venture funding.

The $349 billion stimulus was depleted on April 16, having reached larger corporations like Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, but left many small businesses without the federal loan they need to pay rent, employees and mortgages. 

Shake Shack announced it was returning its $10 million PPP loan on Monday for the same reason; Kura Sushi followed suit on Wednesday, announcing it would return a $6 million loan.

However, it seems Sweetgreen’s returned loan may not actually be redistributed to smaller businesses: “The money will go back in the fund. However, new loans can’t be made against those funds until Congress authorizes new funds,” Jennifer Kelly, a spokesperson for the Small Business Administration told Forbes about Shake Shack’s similarly returned $10 million PPP loan

The cofounders defended their decision to apply for the PPP, saying “Sweetgreen’s revenue has been dramatically affected during this unprecedented time…100% of the loan was going to be used to pay the people in our restaurants and hire back furloughed team members faster.

A representative for Sweetgreen told Forbes the Medium post contains all relevant information at this time.

Big Number

$300 million. That was Sweetgreen’s 2019 revenue

Critical quote

“If this crisis has taught us anything, it is that we are all in this together and we believe strongly that the restaurant community needs more support and resources to weather this storm,” wrote the Sweetgreen cofounders on Medium.

Key Background

Businesses with under 500 employees—and certain businesses like restaurants and hotel chains with under 500 employees per location—are eligible for PPP loans. Major financial institutions Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and US Bank are being sued for allegedly prioritizing loans for large corporate applicants. And big applicants like Sweetgreen, Kura Sushi and Shake Shack (a publicly traded company) received multimillion-dollar loans, while mom-and-pop and independent applicants have reported little-to-no assistance. On Tuesday, the Senate made available an additional $310 billion in PPP loans to replenish funds for small businesses, $60 billion of which is reserved for little corporations without existing banking relationships.

Further Reading: 

Senate Passes $484 Billion Interim Relief Package. Here’s What’s In It—And What’s Missing (Forbes)

Shake Shack’s Repaid $10 Million PPP Loan Cannot Be Used To Make New Loans To Small Businesses (Forbes)

Kura Sushi Returns $6 Million Paycheck Protection Loan. Will Other Restaurant Chains Follow? (Forbes)

Why We Decided to Return Our PPP Loan (Medium)

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