Home Business Startup & Funding This Small LA-Based Organization Raised $16 Million In One Week For The...

This Small LA-Based Organization Raised $16 Million In One Week For The Pandemic


Last week, in 72 hours, this LA-based organization raised over $16 million through its extensive network of entrepreneurs, technologists, media personalities, scientists, CEOs, and more to reroute millions of personal protective equipment to hospitals dealing with the brunt of COVID-19 pandemic. 

Led by 25-year-old CEO Henry Elkus, Helena is a unique organization with a hybrid model: part for-profit, part non-profit. Though it has a small full-time staff, it relies on its extensive network of members who each bring their own skill set and specialty: data engineers, military personnel, climate scientists, entrepreneurs. Since its beginnings in 2016, Helena has tackled projects that come with significant challenges. Think carbon capture technology and climate change. 

The membership at Helena is not straightforward. There’s no annual fee or application. In fact, it’s not something that you can buy yourself into, Elkus explains. Instead, it’s an assortment of people who have been curated by Elkus (something he started doing in college with a list of more than a 1,000 people he felt could be fruitful in solving big, complex problems). The network of about 140 members was built, person-by-person over the past four years. 

Although run largely by a young Millennial crew, they’re diving into heavyweight issues and problems facing the world. This month, they’ve pivoted to putting all their focus on the global pandemic. Seeking the guidance of twelve of their Helena members, Elkus and his team reached out to manufacturers, epidemiologists, hospitals, and civic leaders to figure out what exactly were the needs on the ground. 

“This was the first time Helena has ever called on our entire membership to support an effort,” says Elkus. “We notified everyone about our work to build new supply chains for hospitals’ PPE, equipment, and staffing needs, as well as building a real-time central and open-source database to triage the current situation and allow hospitals and governments to begin proactively anticipating where the needs will be days and weeks from now.”

Working with almost 100 hospitals across three states, the Helena team is buying some of the materials upfront, using the funds raised. In other scenarios, it is quite literally connecting the dots by introducing buyers to suppliers to expedite the process. More than 250,000 KN95 masks, for example, have been shipped to three New Jersey health systems along with more than 650,000 gloves, 14,000+ bottles of hand sanitizer and over 2000 safety goggles. Another 4 million masks, 5 million gloves, and 1000 ventilators are en-route, Elkus says.

PPE is just the beginning. Helena is quickly building The COVID Network, a digital platform that will organize data and collect it in a streamlined manner. With so many requests coming in from across the country, the platform will enable the medical community to put in their requests for gear and staffing in one central place. Then, it can be shared with funders/donors who can pick one of these requests and fill the gap for PPE or tackle the staffing shortage. 

“All of this information will be accessible in real time to government, military, donors, and funders who can help fulfill the needs as they are illuminated,” Elkus explains.

So how did a small nimble team of less than a dozen put all the money, know-how, and tech together in a week?

“We have spent the past four years building a company that could respond to moments like this. Our agility allowed us to identify this need and quickly pivot into action, tapping into the trust and respect we have built with our members to fund this effort, and most importantly lead and operate it,” Elkus says.




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