Home Business Startup & Funding Why Your Company Needs A Customizable Work OS

Why Your Company Needs A Customizable Work OS


Sometimes, it seems like finding documents, following up on emails, and coordinating calendars consumes our entire day. We realize at some level that deep work must get done, so why can’t we seem to find time for it?

The problem isn’t that we have less time or even more tasks. It’s that we’re constantly jumping between platforms and tools.

The solution is a single platform: a work operating system. A work OS brings all the elements of work that a team needs to truly collaborate  — project management, process management, a calendar view, a communications platform, and the building blocks needed to build customized apps — into one shared workspace.

Yes, plenty of business dashboards are available, and your company might already be using one. Why would you switch? The benefits of a customizable work OS are huge:

1. A system that sticks

Many productivity tools on the market ask you to fit your workflow inside an existing framework. As you might already know, they don’t last. 

It’s tempting to try to make this work by inventing workarounds, shortcuts, and hacks to merge multiple systems, especially if the tools are free. Not only can this involve endless hours from a development team, but in the long run, one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. Your team will tire of the roundabout processes and possibly abandon them altogether. That means you’re not getting the data or details you need — simply because the platform doesn’t work for your team.

You need a platform that works for you, not the other way around. The “If you build it, they will come” concept doesn’t apply here because you need buy-in from your teammates. If they don’t like the way your system works, they won’t be motivated to use it.

Before you adopt a work OS, include your team in the process. Ask how they prefer to work and what processes they rely on. Incorporate these ideas into your final product so you can integrate a system that works for your entire team. 

2. Easy access to automations

It’s no secret that automations can deliver huge productivity gains. Work OS monday.com found that 54% of the workforce believes they would save five or more hours per week by using task automation tools.

A customizable work OS makes automation tools more accessible. It lets you focus on the work that matters. In collaborating with your team on a work OS, all the tools a team needs are available at its fingertips while keeping unnecessary programs from crowding their digital workspace. 

For example, Holly is an excellent client services manager. But because of the jump-between-tasks nature of the work, she spends nearly half her time doing humdrum tasks: scheduling appointments, completing reports, and sending follow-ups. Each requires her to use a different software tool. She’d much rather spend that time engaging with her team and clients directly.

By building automations into your work OS, team members can spend their time doing the high-value work you need them for. 

3. Instant project updates

Working as a team requires constant collaboration, and that requires quick, clear communication to be effective.

Seamless communication doesn’t happen in reply-all email chains or stand-up meetings. It isn’t a matter of just ending phone calls a bit sooner or replacing phone calls with video conferences.

With a work OS, there’s no need to email a team member to ask for a project update. A team member can simply check the platform, which displays notifications and updates in real time. The result is information that’s accessible 24/7 from anywhere in the world. 

Additionally, by running projects through your work OS, you’ll get an overall view of how your team works at a glance. You’ll spot areas where lags tend to happen, and if a project needs immediate review, you’ll be able to address it quickly without rummaging through old emails. 

4. Fewer issues with remote work

We know that a diversified team means better ideas, better products, and better results. But it doesn’t necessarily mean simpler workflows or easier collaboration.

Not sharing physical office spaces makes face-to-face meetings difficult or impossible. Living in different time zones can make video conferencing a challenge. Language barriers are an even bigger challenge.

A custom work OS can make it easier for employees to connect across time zones and cultures. A translation tool could be built in, as could a chat app like Slack. Even a dictionary app or cultural guide could be included, making it easier for workers to get on the same page with one another.

Knowing you’ll remain productive, despite location or time zone differences, gives you the freedom to hire more remote employees who bring diverse perspectives to the table. Your UX designer could telecommute from a co-working space in Sweden, while your part-time social media strategist — a stay-at-home mom in New York City — clocks in from her desk at home. Using a custom system means you don’t have to sacrifice high-quality employees due to location differences. 

5. Lower employee stress levels

You know how stressful it can be when you can’t find the tool you need when you need it. At the pace of work today, workers can’t afford to waste time hunting for what they need.

A customizable work OS gives employees a centralized hub to complete their work. Everything from automation tools to communication systems to spreadsheets is right there, ready to be tapped. The result is a less frantic work environment, not just for the individual employee, but for everyone in the office. 

Lowering stress levels at work also has huge financial benefits. Companies lose as much as $300 billion per year from work-related stress, thanks to the 83% of employees who experience stress at work.

Our lives outside the workplace are perfectly customized. Our music playlists curate songs we would like, our Amazon recommendations seem to read our minds, and television streaming services automatically start playing a show we’re sure to like.

Why aren’t our work lives? A customizable work OS is the way to have your software work for you instead of the other way around.



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