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System Of A Down Singer Serj Tankian Talks Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict, Response From Trump And Biden

System Of A Down Singer Serj Tankian Talks Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict, Response From Trump And Biden

Three weeks ago, a firefight erupted between Azerbaijani and Armenian soldiers in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, marking the greatest violence the region has seen in 26 years. The fighting escalated quickly as Azerbaijan, with the help of ally Turkey, pummeled Armenians with drone strikes as the people of Nagorno-Karabakh retaliated with counter-fire.

Over the weekend, the newest in a series of failed ceasefires was broken within minutes, as both sides blamed the other for reigniting a conflict which has claimed hundreds of lives.

More than a century after the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian Genocide took 1.5 million lives, natives of Nagorno-Karabakh—also known as the Republic of Artsakh— and the diaspora of Armenians worldwide are overwhelmed and fearful.

For Armenian-American Serj Tankian, the Grammy-winning vocalist from heavy metal outfit System of a Down, the battle has been especially taxing. Tankian, whose grandparents were survivors of the genocide, moved from Lebanon to America when he was just a child. For his entire life, the frontman has been a political advocate for Armenia by pushing for democracy, freedom and peace in the historically war-torn country.

“Every day I wake up and pray to see that the bombs have stopped,” 53-year-old Tankian says. “Every day.”

Around the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a war broke out between the Azerbaijanis and natives of the region. Armenia declared independence and later claimed victory in 1994. In the time since, the disputed land has been functionally operating without the control of Azerbaijan. However, the area of Nagorno-Karabakh is still regarded as a territory of the country as per international law.

Since September 27, when the region first saw an unexpected return to violence, activists worldwide have taken to the streets to demand a peaceful resolution in Nagorno-Karabakh. And despite an attempted ceasefire on Saturday, The New York Times reports that body parts still litter the frontline.

In recent weeks, Tankian has been outspoken about the conflict in an attempt to spread awareness and raise humanitarian aid, even as the world is preoccupied with the COVID-19 pandemic and presidential election in the United States.

Below, Tankian discusses his opinions on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (which he sometimes refers to as Artsakh), Trump and Biden’s reactions to the crisis and what intervention he feels is necessary to restabilize the region. This interview was conducted on Thursday, October 15 and has been edited for length and clarity.

Many Armenians say this is a very traumatizing time. How do you feel? Are you sad? Or are you in fight or flight mode as you try to spread awareness?

At times you’re grieving, proud, angry. You go through a gauntlet of emotions as an Armenian dealing with this type of aggression and injustice against your people by not just Azerbaijan but Turkey. For us, it feels like an existential battle. 

I was talking to German media and I didn’t say it, but I was thinking, “How would Israelis feel if Germany had never recognized the Holocaust and right now started bombing Israel?” That’s exactly how we feel.

It’s really traumatic for us because [Turkey President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan’s government still hasn’t recognized the genocide and instead has vilified us, and along with Azerbaijan, has been attacking us. There’s racism, there’s hatred.

The people of Nagorno-Karabakh — who got their independence in 1994 — have been living peacefully, building churches, schools, cultural centers, businesses and thriving communities. Our children aren’t taught to hate someone else, irrespective of the past. We’re looking into the future. This is very painful for the Armenian community around the world.

How would you describe what’s happening in Nagorno-Karabakh right now?

It’s a human rights travesty. You’ve got indiscriminate bombing of population centers and killing innocent people with cluster bombing by Azerbaijan in different cities and towns of Artsakh. They’ve also bombed Armenia proper in certain places. This is a human rights violation. This is a war crime. NATO hasn’t stopped them even though Turkey is a NATO ally. The European Union has spoken out against Turkey’s involvement, but it’s time everybody starts sanctioning these guys so that they stop killing innocent people.

I want people to know that we have amazing young people volunteering to protect their families. We need sanctions, we need support. It’s important for people to recognize the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, so that they get legal protection from the international community and organizations.

In a 2018 interview, you explained that as you grew up in America that the Armenian Genocide was generally ignored. In 2019 the Senate finally acknowledged it, against Trump’s wishes. Do you think the delay and apathy has contributed to the lack of the global response now that it’s an active war-zone?

The Azeri-Turkish aggressors timed this in a way so that the international community is mostly distracted with COVID and elections in the United States. That was done on purpose, but that doesn’t mean that we should not deal with the issue and allow innocent people to die and injustice to prevail. Just the opposite. We should know it’s nefarious timing and act against it as a global community.

How do you feel the Trump administration has reacted to this conflict?

There are congresspeople that are asking the US government to sanction Turkey and Azerbaijan, asking for the recognition of the Republic of Artsakh. There’s a resolution going through the House of Representatives right now to stand with Armenia. There is work being done, but the Trump Administration is not just absent from any political wrangling or negotiations, but has only made one blanket statement encouraging both parties to get to the negotiating table. Wow, that’s really great! If that was the case there wouldn’t be a f***ing war! 

As an Armenian-American, I firmly believe that Trump has too much respect and love for autocrats like Erdoğan. He doesn’t really give a s***. The State Department has become an election body for the United States’ president. It’s sad to see.

It’s important for the American people to jolt and go, “No. This is unacceptable.” Raise our voices — from a legislative angle, from the executive branch. Trump has the power to make one phone call to Erdoğan and tell him to back the f*** off if he wanted to, right? I think he could. And he doesn’t. What does that f***ing tell you?

Did you see the statement Joe Biden put out on his campaign website?

I appreciated the statement by Vice President Biden and Kamala Harris having to do with telling Turkey to back off and telling Azerbaijan — in recognition that they’re the aggressor. That’s the right message. My fear, from an international perspective, is this s*** is gonna blow up. 

In a Vice News report from Nagorno-Karabakh — which you shared on Twitter — it shows young men getting ready to be bussed off to fight for Armenia. It shows young mothers taking their children underground to hide from bombings and deliberating when to flee. From your perspective, why do these people stay and fight? Why don’t they flee? Is it just tied into the identity and history of being an Armenian?

First of all, it’s not the first time they’ve been bombed, and that’s why they do have bomb shelters. In a way, they’re used to it. The nineties war was as bad if not worse, because Azerbaijan again was targeting civilian-populated areas. Number two, if you’ve lived on your homeland for thousands of years, it’s not easy to leave, irrespective of the war, the bombings, it’s not easy to leave somewhere you lived, your grandparents have lived, their grandparents have lived. You’ve built something, you have a farm or a business, it’s difficult to leave. Everyone knows that it’s difficult to leave war-ravaged areas. It’s been weeks, it hasn’t been months and years.

It is bad though, the bombing is bad. Turkey is the one encouraging it. They’re using Turkish airpower. It’s really sad. But it’s hard to leave for those people. They send family away, the ones that are the most vulnerable. Some people have left to safer parts of Armenia, but they all want to go back. It’s their homeland.

If you look at the map of Turkey right now, cut it in half and the right side is historically Armenian land. We had millions of Armenian people living on those lands. For 600 years we were under Ottoman rule and we didn’t leave until they massacred us. That’s the only reason we left! They f***ing massacred us! For us to leave [Nagorno-Karabakh], because the Turks are back, do you see what that sounds like?

Azerbaijan has been using modern war technology. Al Jazeera has interviewed men who claim they are Syrian mercenaries paid to fight by the Turkish government. Turkey denied these claims, although France’s President Macron has also said this is true. You’ve got what amounts to a modern militia trying to fight sophisticated drone strikes. Doesn’t it seem impossible to you?

And, yet, they’ve been doing it! They’ve been defending their land, they’re dying doing it. It is a David and Goliath battle. But, look, we’ve been defending those lands for a long time, defensive positions are always better than offensive positions. We fight for our families that our behind us, they fight, for who the f*** knows what? That human spirit is a ten to one ratio.

Has this conflict offered a precarious position for journalists?

They don’t allow journalists from foreign countries to come [to Azerbaijan], unless they’re from Turkey. In a few cases they’ve made exceptions, but mostly they’re not allowed. Armenia on the other hand, and Artsakh, are open to any journalist that wants to go.

There is a huge comparison here that nobody is even talking about. Armenia is a modern progressive democracy, especially since 2018’s peaceful Velvet Revolution. Then you have Azerbaijan and Turkey that are putting their people, their journalists in jail. Turkey is killing the Kurds, and putting Gulenists in jail. Azerbaijan has journalists and opposition in jail. There are protests by the opposition in Azerbaijan today during the war. “Where is my son? You’re not reporting anything! We know you’re lying to us!” 

These guys [Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan] are corrupt thugs, stealing from their people and they’re gonna get theirs. But in the meanwhile, we don’t want to be sacrificed.

The world has changed so much since the ceasefire in 1994. Now there is social media on the frontline and everyone has a video camera. However, because COVID-19 has the world in lockdown, journalists are trying to sift through this information and figure out what’s real and what’s internet propaganda. Have you noticed how severe this added layer of confusion is?

Yes, which is why we go back to the basics of investigative journalism. You send someone there or you pick something from Reuters — this stuff needs to be verified. We get a lot of fake news from the Azeri side, from the Turkish side. Even though Congress, President Macron, Putin and other regional players have intelligence showing that Syrian mercenaries have gone into Azerbaijan to fight Armenians. 

And yet, they ask President Erdoğan, he says, “Nope, we don’t have mercenaries going there from Syria.” Just complete f***ing lies. But what do you expect from a genocide denier? If someone can say, “It never happened,” to a million and a half people dying in your own country, do you expect them not to lie now? It’s not a surprise to us.

But we are fighting the information war. It took the first week to make the media realize that this is an aggression by Turkey and Azerbaijan, this is not something Armenia started. We’re defending our homeland.

Truth and justice are on our side. We’re united and vocal. We’re raising funds. But we need the international community to step in. Especially in terms of Turkey. Because Turkey’s influence is destabilizing the region. It might create World War 3.

Are you sympathetic to the civilians in Azerbaijan?

Absolutely. I feel bad for any human being having to go through war. I was seven years old when I was hearing bombs falling in Lebanon in Beirut and I couldn’t go to school. I remember hugging my brother in our bedroom as bombs were falling above. I always say, “If you’ve heard bombs fall, you will never want to drop them on anyone.” You will never let your government do that. It’s a horrible experience. I hope there’s a resolution.

In a perfect world, what is the preferred outcome here? Does Nagorno-Karabakh becomes an independent country? Does it go back to Armenia?

That’s up to the people that live there. But I think they will defer to either of those and not living under foreign rule. There’s no way they’re gonna do that.

But the important thing is to stop the conflict right now, stop the bombs falling, stop the people dying, get back to the negotiating table. Armenia, for years, has encouraged the mediating body, the OSCE Minsk Group, to send in monitors and gunfire technology which basically shows who is breaking the ceasefire. Azerbaijan has never agreed to it for 26 years, since 1994 when the ceasefire occurred. 

The drummer of your band, John Dolmayan, is also your brother-in-law. Lately, he’s been very publicly pro-Trump. Is that frustrating for you considering he’s Armenian as well?

He’s Armenian. He’s my brother-in-law and my drummer. Is it frustrating being politically opposite to your own drummer and brother-in-law? F*** yeah. Of course it’s frustrating. But that’s having to do with American politics. When it comes to Armenian issues we’re on the same exact page. We know what injustice is happening, we work together. We’re doing different auction activities and working together on many fronts. The Armenian nation is united, whether you voted for republican, democrat or neither.

But, I was a Bernie supporter, I still am. I feel like he still would’ve been the best choice going forward. But I’m okay with Biden. I’m happy that they’ve made that statement. The elections are coming up and normally I’m very vocal, but this war and the daily death toll has really taken up my full spectrum of focus.

Kim Kardashian has also been very vocal about the conflict. Who ever would’ve thought that you two would be leading voices spreading awareness about an active war? It’s a very 2020 moment.

2020 moment, indeed! [laughs] I’ll tell you something about Kim, I have a lot of respect for her. When it comes to issues of justice, she’s been really great. When it comes to spreading awareness about the need for recognition of the Armenian Genocide, about what’s going on in Artsakh right now, the revolution that happened in Armenia that no one in the US knew about. She’s been really amazing. I’ve met her a few times.

Is she a System of a Down fan?

I haven’t asked. [laughs] Honestly, the only time that we spoke was about Armenia and it was great.

Do you have any words of advice for Armenians and the diaspora worldwide who might feel helpless right now?

I feel helpless. I’m working day and night on this in every way that I can. I feel helpless. I feel depressed because I never feel like I’m doing enough. So, I guess what I would say is, put your all into it. Donate more than you can, more than you should, until it hurts and then some. Whatever your talent is, dedicate it to justice and your people right now because this is when your country needs you. We will get through this. We will survive. We have to be strong. We have to be united.

If someone would like to donate to help Armenia, is there an organization you’d send them to?

Armenia Fund. It’s a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We appreciate any donation to help with humanitarian aid.

Follow me on Twitter at @DerekUTG.



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