Home Business Texas Has Set A New Coronavirus Hospitalization Record Every Day For 2...

Texas Has Set A New Coronavirus Hospitalization Record Every Day For 2 Weeks



Texas has set yet another somber milestone in a month in which coronavirus has spread widely in the state, reporting on Thursday a record number of coronavirus hospitalizations for the 14th day in a row, while it also reported a record number of new cases for the third day in a row.


There are now 4,739 patients hospitalized with coronavirus in Texas, a number that has increased every day for the past two weeks and is more than double the total from June 10.

The state also reported 5,996 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, setting a new daily record for the third day running, and after initially lagging behind the other increases, Texas reported 47 coronavirus deaths on Thursday—the most in over a month.

Texas is now one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus, after faring relatively well earlier in the pandemic.

The pandemic has also taken off in Florida and California, and the three most populous states are combining to push the total new cases in the U.S. to the highest levels since the pandemic started.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is pleading with residents to follow social distancing guidelines, saying coronavirus is spreading at an “unacceptable rate” and urging Texans to stay at home if at all possible.

On Thursday, Abbott announced that the state would not be moving forward to its next phase of reopening and also issued an Executive Order suspending elective surgeries in the most-populated counties.


“Because the spread is so rampant right now, there’s never a reason for you to have to leave your home,” Abbott said Tuesday.


Having been spared the serious impact seen in the Northeast, as well as cities like New Orleans and Detroit, during March and April, Abbott was eager to reopen his state at the end of April. He was joined by many other Republican governors in states throughout the South and West. Those parts of the country quickly started reopening at the start of May, with many expanding their reopenings later in the month, and in Texas, restaurants were able to host customers at 75% capacity in June.


In Houston, the country’s fourth-largest city, ICUs are nearing capacity and it could reportedly soon be the hardest-hit city in the U.S. if current trends continue.


U.S. Sets One-Day Record For New Coronavirus Cases, Washington Post Reports (Forbes)

Texas Backtracks: Governor Pauses Reopening Amid Coronavirus Surge (Forbes)

The 3 most populous states are breaking coronavirus records, leading to fears of ‘apocalyptic’ surges (CNN)



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