Home Business The College Board Is Sued Over AP Test Glitches

The College Board Is Sued Over AP Test Glitches

The College Board Is Sued Over AP Test Glitches

A class action lawsuit has been filed against the College Board on behalf of high school students who took a new online version of the Advanced Placement exam last week and had trouble submitting their answers due to technical problems. The lawsuit demands the College Board pay more than $500 million in monetary relief and accept the students’ answers instead of requiring them to re-take the test in June. The suit’s claims against the College Board include breach of contract, gross negligence, misrepresentation and violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act.

“The College Board administered the exam knowing ahead of time that students would encounter problems and now is retreating by blaming others and taking absolutely no responsibility,” Phillip A. Baker, a partner with Baker, Keener & Nahra LLP in Los Angeles, one of two firms that had filed the suit, said in a statement to Forbes.

Miller Advocacy Group in Newport Beach, California, which also filed the suit, didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The suit was filed in federal district court in Los Angeles. Plaintiffs include students who took the online AP and couldn’t submit their answers and FairTest, a non-profit that opposes “the misuses and flaws” of standardized testing when evaluating students. 

The College Board is a non-profit organization that administers a variety of tests, including the SAT college entrance exam and AP subject tests. It runs a membership association of thousands of schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions and has been criticized for reportedly selling information about students who take College Board exams while not making students sufficiently aware that their data is being sold.

The College Board developed a 45-minute online version of the AP test after the spring dates were cancelled in March due to Covid-19 safety concerns. Last year, 3 million students around the world took the AP exams, which normally are multiple-hours long and delivered in a proctored venue. The testing company estimated that only 1% of the 2.2 million online AP tests taken as of last Friday suffered from technical glitches that prevented students from submitting their answers once the test had been completed. The company initially suggested that outdated browsers may have been behind the problems.

“At one percent, tens of thousands of students were impacted but it appears the failure rate was much higher,” said Baker, Keener & Nahra’s Baker. “The College Board’s PR numbers do not include those who could not take the exam or abandoned the exam because of the very issues the Board was warned.”

Peter Schwartz, College Board Chief Risk Officer and General Counsel, said in a statement: “This lawsuit is a PR stunt masquerading as a legal complaint being manufactured by an opportunistic organization that prioritizes media coverage for itself. It is wrong factually and baseless legally; the College Board will vigorously and confidently defend against it, and expect to prevail.”

Schwartz did not specify the factual inaccuracies in the lawsuit. To address the student complaints, the College Board now allows for answers to be submitted via email, as a last resort for this week’s and future test-takers. However, for students who took the exam last week and could not submit their answers, there was no such an option.

“We had updated our browser, my daughter had a relatively new laptop and we had updated our internet so there wouldn’t be any connectivity issues,” said a parent from California whose daughter took the Chemistry AP test last week but could not submit her answers. “We could not have been more prepared or informed. It’s like a slap in the face.”

The parent, who asked that her name not be used for privacy reasons, said she and others suspected the College Board system was unable to accept attachments that were to be submitted for exams in subjects such as Chemistry and Physics. For those subjects, students normally would hand-write their answers on a piece of paper, take a photo of the paper, convert the photo into a PDF or JPEG, and submit that as an attachment through the exam software.

“The system would not accept the attachment,” the parent said. “And the system times out in five minutes, and you’re told you now have to take a re-test.”

Students who were unable to submit AP exam answers have been told to re-take the test in June.

Meanwhile, if schools remain closed this fall, the College Board has said it will provide “a digital SAT for home use” similar to the online AP exam.



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