Home Business The Most Socialist Countries According To Americans

The Most Socialist Countries According To Americans [Infographic]

The Most Socialist Countries According To Americans [Infographic]

YouGov has released the results of an interesting poll that gauges Americans’ thoughts and feelings about socialism. The term has been used by Republicans to describe Democrats for decades but it has become firmly engrained in modern U.S. politics as a near omnipresent and toxic element of GOP attacks on their opponents. Democratic socialists such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib have been accused by the right of planning to lead America down the path of a Venezuela style economic catastrophe, even though their core policies are more aligned with those of Western European countries such as Denmark and Sweden. Both nations operate under a capitalist system though they have sweeping social policies such as universal healthcare which gets paid for through higher taxes.

The president and the Republican Party have also accused the Biden/Harris ticket of being socialist, although the Democratic candidate is a moderate who does not support certain core policies of his above-mentioned cohorts such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All. YouGov’s polling found that Americans are largely divided on whether Joe Biden is a socialist with 35% thinking he is and 37% thinking he is not. Unsurprisingly, the partisan divide on that question is immense with 71% of Republicans saying he is while 56% of Democrats say he is not. When the polling asked Americans what they think the core policies of socialism are, over 50% said that it would involve the government running gas and electricity companies, as well as providing free childcare. Just under 50% also said that the schools and railways being run by the government would also constitute socialist policies.

One of the most interesting aspects of the research is the countries that Americans actually do consider socialist today. Among Republicans, the three most socialist countries are Venezuela (60%), China (57%) and Russia (57%) while among Democrats, Sweden (43%), Denmark (43%) and Norway (42%) come first. Forgetting party allegiances, the top three choices among the U.S. public as a whole are China with 46%, Venezuela with 44% and Russia with 41%. Some of the capitalist countries with successful social policies so admired by “the squad” follow in the ranking with 37% of Americans saying that Sweden is the world’s most socialist country while 36% opt for Denmark.

*Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista)



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