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The Pentagon Plans to Deploy An Arsenal Of Hypersonic Weapons In The 2020s

The Pentagon Plans to Deploy An Arsenal Of Hypersonic Weapons In The 2020s

As we enter the 2020s, China, Russia and the United States are spending billions to develop hypersonic weapons in a bid to outpace ever-improving missile defenses.

While strategic-range cruise or ballistic missile strikes may be detected between 15 minutes to an hour before impact, hypersonic weapons capable of exceeding five times the speed of sound threaten to decrease that margin to just a few minutes. Such a fast tempo of destruction could destabilize the current balance of power by making first strikes more effective and unpredictable.

China and Russia have taken a lead in this new arms race. In October, China paraded launchers for land-attack DF-17 and anti-ship DF-100 hypersonic missiles. Meanwhile, Russia supposedly is deploying nuclear-capable hypersonic Kinzhal air-launched missiles and Avangard glide vehicles released by RS-28 intercontinental-range missiles.

The Pentagon has fast-tracked its own hypersonic development in response: Between 2023 and 2028, it plans to deploy “hundreds” of hypersonic weapons with the Air Force, Army and Navy.

Though incubated by DARPA and Air Force researchers, defense giant Lockheed Martin has staked out a lead position in nearly all of these programs, though Dynetics and Raytheon also have stake in several projects.

The Pentagon hopes its hypersonic weapons will not only to counter Chinese and Russian missiles, but realize its long-held ambition for “Prompt Global Strike” capability to wipe out critical adversary strategic weapons and anti-access systems anywhere on the planet in just a few hours.

A congressional report notes: “Unlike China and Russia, the United States is not currently developing hypersonic weapons for use with a nuclear warhead. As a result, U.S. hypersonic weapons will likely require greater accuracy and will be more technically challenging.”

This article seeks to clarify the confusing haze of Pentagon acronyms to establish just what U.S. hypersonic weapons are under development, when they’re due to enter service and what they’re meant to do.

Why are hypersonic weapons considered such a big deal?

Technically, far-flying nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles that arc into space have already been traveling at hypersonic speeds for over 60 years. But conventional ballistic missiles remain highly visible on radar and fly in a predictable trajectory, making them susceptible to advanced missile defense systems.

By contrast, today’s hypersonic weapons attain hypersonic speeds flying in a much flatter trajectory, making them faster to reach their target, harder to detect, more maneuverable, and more difficult to shoot down.  

The primary hypersonic paradigm is a “boost-glide” weapon which has two stages.  First, solid-fuel rocket boosters launch the weapon to incredible speeds and altitudes, just as for an old-fashioned ballistic missile. 

But instead of continuing on a predictable ballistic trajectory, the missile releases an unpowered cone-shaped glide vehicle designed to skip above the atmosphere over great distances. The glide vehicle is far more maneuverable than a ballistic missile, making it more precise and capable of dodging or entirely circumscribing air defenses.

An alternate, air-breathing approach to hypersonics is described at the end of the article.

Developing weapons that can withstand the immense friction-induced heat and stresses of hypersonic travel is difficult—especially if those weapons incorporate sensitive seekers and communications antennas. The boosters in boost-glide weapons must also carry large amounts of rocket fuel and oxygen.

But a consensus seems to have emerged in the militaries of China, Russia and the United States that hypersonic weapons are poised to disrupt the future of both conventional and nuclear warfare due to their ability to strike targets with incredible speed, precision and evasiveness. Even countries like Japan and the United Kingdom are pursuing hypersonic weaponry.

However, the concept has its skeptics. For example, in an interview with Scientific American, arms control expert Jeffrey Lewis argued (contrary to conventional wisdom) that once released, hypersonic glide vehicles “actually slow down quite a bit and makes a much better target [than traditional ICBMs] for missiles defenses.”

Let’s look now at the Pentagon’s near-term hypersonic projects.

Common Hypersonic Glide-Body (C-HGB)

The Army, Navy and Air Force have collaborated to create a common glide vehicle. The Navy is handling the rocket booster, while the Army has developed the missile body. In February 2020, the Air Force dropped its C-HGB-based weapon, called HCSW or “Hacksaw,” preferring the more compact and more advanced ARRW (below).

The United States reportedly doesn’t yet have an industrial base set to mass-produce glide vehicles, which have been boutique-made at the Sandia National Laboratory. However, Dynetics was awarded $351.6 million to build 20 C-HGBs for use by the Army and Navy.

Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW)

Service: Army

Budget: $351.6 million in 2020. $801 million proposed for 2021, and $5.3 billion over next five years.

Company: Lockheed-Martin awarded $347 million to build boosters, guidance and canisters or eight missiles, and modify four trucks to serve as transporter-erector-launchers (TELs).

Launch Platform: Truck-based launchers mounting two missiles each.

Milestones: Delivery fourth quarter of 2021. First live-round test due 2022. In operations-capable units by 2023.

Characteristics: The LRHW is set to give the Army a 1,400+-mile range strategic conventional strike capability beyond the Precision Strike Missiles also currently under development. A budget document describes the LRHW’s role as “…“defeat A2/AD capabilities, suppress adversary Long Range Fires, and engage other high payoff/time sensitive targets.”

Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS)

Service: Navy

Launch platform: Virginia-class attack submarines equipped with the Virginia Payload Module. Potentially Ohio-class SSGN cruise missile submarines if they last long enough in service, future large destroyer- or cruiser-class surface combat ships. 

Budget: $512 million in 2020. $1.008 billion requested for 2021. $5.3 billion planed over next five-years.

Lead: Lockheed-Martin

Milestone: Initial Operating Capability on Navy submarines by 2028.

Characteristics: The Navy project mates the C-HGB to a submarine-launched 34.5” diameter two-stage rocket-booster that could hit any target on the planet within an hour—likely implying speeds between Mach 10 and 20. A $160 million October 2017 test shot saw a missile fly 2,000 miles rom Hawaii to the Marshall Islands.

Tactical Boost Glide

Tactical Boost Glide is a separate, ongoing research program run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which has spawned two different operational programs.

AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid-Response Weapon (ARRW or “Arrow”)

Service: Air Force

Company: Lockheed-Martin

Launch Platform: Air Force B-52 bombers, possibly B-1 bombers if they remain in service. Possibly F-15EX fighters.

Budget: $382 million in proposed 2021 budget, $581 million through 2022

Milestones: Delivery fourth quarter of 2021. First live-round test due 2022. Unit operational by 2023.

Characteristics: The AGM-183A can attain speeds of up to Mach 20, or 4.2 miles per second. In addition to fixed military installations, ARRW can reportedly target ships and “rapidly relocatable weapons” (ie. truck-mobile ballistic, cruise- and surface-to-air missiles).

Against the latter, the ARRW’s speed may ensure that they are hit before they re-locate. If it can strike moving ships, though, that implies either a seeker and/or ability to receive course-corrections from an external sensor.

Beyond the B-52, other potential launch platforms include the faster B-1 Lancer bomber which could reportedly carry up to 31 ARRWs and Air Force F-15EX twin-engine fighters.

Operational Fires (aka OpFires)

Service: Army

Company: Lockheed-Martin

Launch Platform: Truck

Budget: $28 million in proposed 2021 budget

Milestones: Component testing 2021. Flight testing 2022.

Characteristics: In contrast to the longer-range “strategic” LRHW, OpFires is intended to be a (comparatively) shorter-range weapon for use against tactical/operational targets that is “faster, more maneuverable, and…[has] greater accuracy”. OpFires uses the glide vehicle of the TBG combind with a two-stage 32” diameter throttleable rocket motor. 

Joe Trevithick of The Drive explains “the ability to throttle back the second-stage rocket motor means that this weapon system could have a shorter minimum range, meaning it could engage threats closer to the launch site, as well as a broader overall engagement envelope. Being able to hit widely different ranges with extreme speed and accuracy with the same weapon system would be very useful in a variety of operational scenarios.”

Air-Breathing Hypersonic Development

An alternate approach to hypersonic weaponry involves use of air-breathing scramjet or ramjet engine. These both use the impact of incoming air to create compression for efficient high speed propulsion.

Though slower (Mach 5-10), such weapons would be smaller, less-complex and capable of staying near maximum speed for longer than a glide vehicle-based weapon. However, air-breathing or “aerobic” hypersonic weapons technology remains comparatively immature, though Russia has been testing an air-breathing Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile since 2012.

Hypersonic Air-Breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) and/or Hypersonic Strike Weapon Air-breathing (HSW-ab)

Service: Air Force

Company: DARPA, Lockheed-Martin

Launch Platform: Combat aircraft, starting with B-52 bomber.

Budget: $928 million for HAWC in 2018. $20 million additional in 2020

Milestones: HAWC flight tests in 2020. Program review 2021.

Characteristics: The scramjet-powered HAWC missile is targeted to attain speeds between Mach 5 and Mach 10. As ramjet and scramjet motors only really work when already traveling at supersonic speeds, HAWC initially attains high speed using a rocket booster before switching to more sustained propulsion.. 

Nonetheless, high-flying, supersonic-capable combat aircraft may be be superior weapons carriers for scramjet-powered missiles. Lockheed has floated concept art of up to two HAWCs being carried externally by a Navy F-35C jet.

In 2020, Lockheed Martin revealed it is developing Hypersonic Strike Weapon-air breathing (HSW-ab) program which appears to be a successor project of HAWC.

Other Hypersonic Technology Concepts

There are other concepts surrounding how hypersonic propulsion technology could be leveraged, undoubtedly including some which remain classified.  Below are two examples:

·      Lockheed has repeatedly promoted development of a hypersonic unmanned recon/bomber aircraft leveraging a hybrid combined-cycle turbine/scramjet engine to succeed its famous SR-71 Blackbird spy plane called the SR-72.

·      The Missile Defense Agency has requisitioned $206.8 million fpr 2021 to develop anti-hypersonic capabilities, including satellite-based early warning capabilities and an interceptor known as Glide Breaker.



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