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The Public Reacts To Coronavirus


Pollsters have been working overtime to track public reactions to coronavirus. Survey companies are providing weekly and, in some cases, daily updates on changing attitudes and behaviors. The results are remarkably consistent from poll to poll. What have we learned?

A Public Opinion Plateau? Perhaps because many politicians were slow to respond to the reality of the pandemic, so, too was the public. Publics are generally inattentive (although they are often more so about health concerns), and the early surveys showed fairly low levels of initial concern. In a February 2–4 online Economist/YouGov survey, 22% said they were following news about coronavirus very closely. That rose to around half by late March and has now receded slightly to 45% in their April 12–14 poll.

Eighteen percent in early February were very concerned about an epidemic. Sentiment rose sharply and has now receded a bit; 51% are very worried. Thirteen percent in early February were very worried about personally experiencing coronavirus. That is 23% now.

Following Orders: The public quickly caught on to what the experts wanted them to do, and today around three-quarters said they are washing their hands and using disinfectant more frequently and separately avoiding physical contact with others. Only 4% of registered voters say they haven’t altered their routines in Ipsos/Reuters surveys. Sixty-three percent say they are now working remotely, up from 31% in mid-March Gallup panel surveys, and 89% in their surveys say that in the past seven days they have avoided travel by plane, bus, subway or train, and three quarters have avoided public places. Sixty-one percent said they had stocked up on food, medical or cleaning supplies, up from 40% in mid-March.

Close to Home? In the mid-April Economist/YouGov surveys, 60% say cases of coronavirus have been reported in their communities. The number who know someone personally who has tested positive has risen from 5% in Axios/Ipsos panel from mid-March to 14% in their April 17–20 poll. Three percent say they have personally tested positive.

Financial hardship: In an early April CNN poll, 49% told CNN pollsters that the virus had caused financial hardship for them or their household, while 51% said it had not. Of the 49%, 18% said the hardship was severe and would affect their ability to maintain their current standard of living, while 30% said it was severe but wouldn’t impact their standard of living. 

In the Axios/Ipsos online panel, the percentage whose employer has shutdown has risen to 18%, and the employed or self-employed who say they have been temporarily furloughed or suspended is now 23% (April 17–20). In the mid-April Economist/YouGov poll, 55% expected they would get a check from the stimulus package.

Political Actors and Others. The president and the media get the lowest marks on providing reliable information about coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO do much better.  

In the latest wave of Axios/Ipsos surveys, 83% trusted local health officials, 74% of employed people trusted their employer, 67% trusted local government and separately, state government, and 42% the federal government to look out for the best interests of them and their families.

The Economy vs. Public Health: Americans are concerned about both. Ninety-one percent say they are concerned about the impact of coronavirus on the US economy, the American job market (90%), and their local economy (88%) (Morning Consult). Still, a large majority in all polls I’ve seen give priority to public health now: 75% of registered voters in the mid-April Morning Consult online survey said it was more important for the government to address the spread of coronavirus and 17% the economy.

In This Together? There are partisan differences in many areas, especially those that ask about the federal government and national politicians, but large majorities of Republicans (95%), Democrats (81%), and independents (88%) sounded a hopeful note in the Grinnell College poll when they said Americans will get through it.

In a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 60% said they were mainly optimistic and hopeful about the country while 36% said they were mainly worried and pessimistic. In another question, 71% said coronavirus was bringing out the best in the country.

About that November election: Seventy-one percent were very or somewhat confident the November election will proceed on time (Grinnell College).



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