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The Rock Aims Sharp Criticism At Donald Trump After The President’s Response To George Floyd Protests

The Rock Aims Sharp Criticism At Donald Trump After The President’s Response To George Floyd Protests

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to address the lack of leadership from President Donald trump as mainstream racial tension continues to peak with nationwide protests amid the killing of George Floyd.

While some, more partisan, voices have opted to focus on the riots that have broken out and all the damage done to small businesses, prominent voices such as The Rock have reminded Americans of its system of oppression and white supremacy. The former WWE champion-turned-Hollywood-star is now pleading for leadership from the highest office.

Rock made the following comments in criticism of the polarizing President Trump, denouncing the #AllLivesMatter movement co-opted by many of his supporters:

“Where are you? Where is our leader?” The Rock asked.

“Where are you? Where is our leader at this time, at this when our country is down at its knees begging, pleading, hurt, angry, frustrated, in pain, begging and pleading its arms out just wanting to be heard. Begging and pleading for change. Where are you? Where is our compassionate leader who’s gonna step up to our country who’s down on Its knees and extend a hand and say ‘you stand up. Stand up with me. Stand up with me because I got you. I got you. I hear you. I’m listening to you, and you have my word I will do everything in my power to my dying days in my last breath to do everything I can to create the change that is needed to normalize equality because black lives matter.’

“Where are you? It’s that same compassionate leader who has to come back and re-address the country to give important context, to give important perspective on the comments that were just made. Of course, all lives matter. Every single one. All lives matter because we, as Americans, we believe in inclusivity. We believe in acceptance. We believe in human rights. We believe in equality for all. That’s what we believe in. So of course, all lives matter, but in this moment now, this defining, pivotal explosive moment where our country is down on its knees, the floorboards of our country are becoming unhinged, in this moment, we must say the words black lives matter.”

As the era of the celebrity president comes to the end of its first term, there’s no reason to believe that the current state of American politics and political discourse won’t lead to future serious celebrity presidential candidates. While the notion of any celebrity becoming president is an unsettling one, The Rock has popped up as a rumored name to run for president for the past several years.

In 2017, GQ ran a interview called The Rock for President! The website’s excerpt on the interview read as follows:

“The man has so much charisma and ambition he can do anything. Comedy, action, pretty little cartoon voices. Some people even say he could be president. GQ‘s Caity Weaver spent a few days with the ex-wrestler, pumping iron and pounding water (gotta stay hydrated!) and figuring out if The Rock is meant for higher office.”

The Rock added fuel to this fire with a very direct response to the inquiry of whether or not he’d ever run for president:

“Johnson doesn’t hesitate when I ask him whether he honestly might one day give up his life as the highest-paid movie star on earth to run for president: ‘I think that it’s a real possibility.’”

We’re living in unprecedented times—both politically and socially. The Rock’s universal appeal, racial ambiguity and, most importantly, leadership skills just might make him the face of inclusivity that America desperately needs to finally come together as one nation, indivisible. If this era of celebrity presidents is to continue into future terms, The Rock clears what has become a very low bar for candidacy.



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