Home Business The Sounds Of Indians Baseball Return To Progressive Field

The Sounds Of Indians Baseball Return To Progressive Field


What’s it like on the first day of a second spring training, in an empty major league ballpark?

“It’s how quiet it is,” Cleveland Indians outfielder Tyler Naquin said. “When a baseball gets hit, it echoes like crazy.”

The echoes of baseball were heard in a lot of ballparks on Friday, as major league teams held their first workouts in over three months, in preparation for the hoped-for return of the boys of summer in a 60-game season that will start later this month.

“It was fun driving to the ballpark today, knowing there were going to be full baseball activities at Progressive Field,” said Indians president Chris Antonetti. “That’s not something we’ve been able to say for a while. To see baseball on the horizon is really exciting. There was a bounce in everyone’s step. There’s an enthusiasm to be back playing. It was nice to see guys in batting practice, taking ground balls, doing things you normally take for granted, but now we all have a greater appreciation for.”

As the Indians convened at Progressive Field, one player was missing. Outfielder Delino DeShields is at his home in Arizona, after testing positive for COVID-19. Antonetti said DeShields gave the team permission to reveal his condition. According to Antonetti, DeShields “has a very mild case” of the virus. He tested positive before leaving for Cleveland, and must have two negative tests before he can begin workouts with the Indians.

Antonetti said the protocols established by Major League Baseball should be effective in limiting the spread of the virus, but that his biggest concern is what happens away from the ballpark. To that end, Indians players are contributing to and will be urged to adhere to a “Code of Conduct” designed to minimize any exposure risk away from the park.

“It’s strange, but it’s either this way or no way,” Naquin said of the many protocols all teams and players must follow.

The tradeoff for having baseball back is that it won’t look like the version of baseball to which everyone is accustomed.

“Not having fans in the stands is going to be weird,” said All-Star Game MVP Shane Bieber, who will be the Indians’ opening day starter. “The toughest things to get used to will be not giving guys high fives, or a slap on the back. We’ve got to hold ourselves and each other accountable on and off the field. That’s extremely important.”

Manager Terry Francona and his staff will be charged with preparing his team for a 60-game sprint of a regular season. That’s roughly one-third of a normal regular season, which ramps up the importance of every game. One lengthy losing streak could doom a team’s chances for a berth in the postseason.

“Every team faces the same amount of challenges,” Francona said. “Nobody has an edge, so nobody is at a disadvantage. All the teams are playing the same number of games. At the end of the season we’ll either be good enough (to reach the postseason), or we won’t.”

Francona said that in some ways, this is not much different from the situation many of his teams have faced in the past.

“I’ve been with teams that on July 1 were tied for first place,” he said. “That’s really what this is, except that we’re tied with everybody. I think the big thing is you need to find your rhythm as quickly as possible. So the quicker we find our rhythm, the better off we’ll be.”

Francona’s teams in Cleveland have reached the postseason in three of the last five years, and in four of his eight seasons in Cleveland overall.  Those teams have also had a history of starting slow, and then playing much better in the second half of the season.

That formula, said Francona, “wouldn’t be prudent this year.”

The Indians did get an emotional boost Friday, with the arrival of pitcher Carlos Carrasco at Progressive Field. Last year Carrasco was diagnosed with a treatable form of leukemia. He missed three months in the middle of the season, but returned to make 11 relief appearances in September.

Given his condition, Carrasco could have opted out from playing. But that wasn’t the case. He’s back, and hopeful of re-claiming his spot in what should be another strong Indians’ starting rotation.

“I feel good. That’s why I’m here. I met with my medical staff, and I’m good to go,” Carrasco said.

“Carlos would have had our blessings if he had chosen not to participate, but it’s good to see him out here,” Francona said.

“He’s always a bright spot for us, on the field, or in the clubhouse,” Bieber said. “Great personality, and he always has that smile.”



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