Home Business Theater’s Closed? Head To Fortnite To Watch Movies

Theater’s Closed? Head To Fortnite To Watch Movies

Theater’s Closed? Head To Fortnite To Watch Movies

First it was concerts. Now it’s movies.

Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker behind Inception, The Dark Knight, and Interstellar will be bringing “one of his iconic films” to the massively popular Fortnite game this summer. No word on which one yet, but it will be free.

Thanks to COVID-19, we’re seeing the accelerating convergence of media and music and entertainment and gaming, catalyzed by social-infused platforms like Fortnite that draw massive audiences. Fortnite hit over 350 million registered users just last month, and almost 30 million of them watched rapper Travis Scott’s performance last month.

Now Fortnite is screening movies.

In, don’t forget, a social environment.

It’s one thing to watch a movie in your home on a TV. And it’s similar to watch a concert on that same TV. It’s different to be involved in the process in a massively social way, with your avatar dancing to the music or mixing with the audience, many of whom might be your in-game or real-world friends.

That’s something that Lee Trink, CEO of FaZe Clan — billed as “most popular esports organization in the world” — and Adam Goodman, former president of Paramount Motion Picture Group told me yesterday as I interviewed them for the upcoming Web Summit virtual conference. Goodman, who worked on features like Mission Impossible, Star Trek, and G.I. Joe, sees the coming convergence of traditional gaming with music, concerts, movies, and other forms of entertainment.

Ultimately, this will come to virtual reality as well, making the experience more immersive.

Even without that, however, it’s a way to be social and enjoy entertainment without any worries or risks of infection with or spreading of Coronavirus.

And it’s a new way for entertainers to market — and eventually monetize — their work.

It’s also good for the gaming environments, like Fortnite, in which the concerts or movie screenings occur. Players can’t play all of the time — games can get boring after a while — but if they can also chill, relax, and enjoy some tunes or a show with the friends that they’ve made or brought to the game … they can still stay engaged on the platform.



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