Home Business These 5 Journalists Will Help You Understand The World Better In 2021

These 5 Journalists Will Help You Understand The World Better In 2021

These 5 Journalists Will Help You Understand The World Better In 2021

At last year’s Academy Awards, The New York Times broadcast a stirring advertisement that contained something of a mission statement for the venerable paper: “The truth can change how we see the world.”

That’s as good a North Star as any for a journalistic institution to aspire to, incomplete though it may be. Because nowhere in that declaration is there an explicit reference to the men and women who make the calls, knock on the doors, dig through the public records, hold power accountable, ask uncomfortable questions that authority figures would rather not answer, and do all the other thankless tasks required to bring that truth to the printed page (or put it on the air) in the first place. 

The truth that changes the world is not the starting point. No, behind that starting line stand the members of the Fourth Estate — who, as everyone has no doubt been reminded over the course of 2020, comprise one of the most indispensable of our civic institutions. Granted, one that it’s easy sometimes to be romantic about. During a 2014 speech to graduates at the University of California Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, one of the finest scribes the Grey Lady has ever produced assured his audience that the gig was nothing less than a “grand, grand caper.” Continued the late David Carr: “You get to leave, go talk to strangers, ask them anything, come back, type up their stories, edit the tape.”

It certainly feels like that at times, but he also makes it sound a lot more fun than it is. Especially during a year like 2020. Through a horrific pandemic, along with the cries of “fake news,” the tantrums of a president, the chaos of an election, the struggle for racial justice, and a shattered economy that’s wrecked so many lives, the journalists whose names you’ll find below have produced a body of reportage that cashes the check implied in that NYT

To put it simply, these are some of the reporters who help audiences like you and me find that truth that changes how we see the world.

It’s tempting to praise Abby Phillip as the future of CNN, and while that description is true it also does a gross disservice to her contribution to the network now.

During a campaign season teeming with misinformation and TV anchors who can sometimes barely conceal their exasperation with the whole mad circus, Phillip is an exception, and exceptional. A calm and steady presence who is as articulate as she is unflappable, no matter what Trumpian tempests roar. A Friday night broadcast just days after the presidential election proved that point. The CNN audience would have encountered three anchors on-screen, including two older veterans in the form of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash — in addition to Phillip, who didn’t grandstand or reach but just spoke the truth that needed to be heard. “Black women did that,” she said during the broadcast, making sure no one missed the fact that Black women had propelled Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in a fitting repudiation of Donald Trump’s political career. One that, Phillip added, “began with the racist birther lie” and will end with a Black woman a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Yamiche Alcindor, PBS NewsHour (@Yamiche)

Some people used to fret, back in the halcyon pre-coronavirus days, over the possibility that AI might eventually advance to the point of being able to supplant flesh-and-blood journalists. But rest assured, even if you had more money than God and the best raw computing power in the world at your disposal — even then, you’d still come up short while trying to outdo PBS NewsHour’s White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor.

When she’s not producing indispensable reportage, like this piece from May articulating the disproportionate impact the COVID-19 pandemic was already having on minority communities, she’s also providing commentary for NBC News and MSNBC. On multiple occasions this year, you could almost (almost) see the look in President Trump’s eye whenever he’s called on her, when he knows he’s not going to like the question Alcindor asks but that she’s going to ask it anyway. And her Twitter account is a news-heavy rundown of the major events of the day — almost a news channel unto itself, with none of the pithy hot takes that dominate so many reporters’ feeds. 

If you’re a news junkie who’s been following Bloomberg’s senior White House reporter Jennifer Jacobs on Twitter at all this year, there have surely been at least one and perhaps more than one moment when you’ve seen her pop up in your feed and you then groaned: “Oh God, what now?” But, you know, in a good way.

Jacobs has been a scoop machine of the first order this year — ahead of the pack on so much news, like her bombshell that dropped in early October about Hope Hicks testing positive for COVID-19. It was news the White House had tried to keep a lid on, and the revelation led to President Trump and the First Lady needing to quarantine and be tested, given the fact that Hicks pretty much lives at the center of Trumplandia. And there are so many other examples like that. Jacobs seems to have a singular knack for breaking news that people not only work hard to keep out of the public domain, but that might never become known at all otherwise. She’s so well-connected that senior White House staffers have been known to consult her feed to stay up-to-date on developments they might not become privy to otherwise — like who among them has tested positive for COVID-19.

Kristen Welker, NBC News (@kwelkernbc)

During the second and final presidential debate of the 2020 election season, the most commanding presence in the room did not belong to either of the two men on stage vying to be the nation’s next commander-in-chief. No, that honor belonged to NBC’s Kristen Welker, whose bravura display as the host of that debate was universally celebrated — and encapsulates as good as anything so much of what there is to say about her.

She kept each candidate from tearing the other’s head off, while also not inserting herself directly into the fray. She probed, lobbed appropriate follow-ups, and moved the action along by virtue of having the wisdom that comes with years of experience as a news reporter — as well as that grace under fire quality that eluded the guy who moderate 2020’s first debate. The guy who was so un-Welker-like as a host that he admitted later to needing to do some “soul-searching” when the first debate went completely off the rails.

Here, meanwhile, is one of Welker’s reports during the campaign — about Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

And here is Welker cooly dodging a couple of falling cameras while delivering a live report without missing a beat:

Olivia Nuzzi, New York magazine (@Olivianuzzi)

There are Washington reporters like Olivia Nuzzi, and then there’s everybody else.

Nuzzi’s reporting about the gonzo cast of characters who populate Trumplandia — and the peek behind the curtain that she gives you of the circus that passes for official Washington — always, always, contains priceless anecdotes, million-dollar quotes, and leaves you in awe of the cooperation she’s able to secure from what you assume are otherwise icy Trump sources. This piece of hers from earlier this month, for example, covers the “final gasp” of the Trump presidency during Election Week, and it’s a long and delicious read. It’s filled with one revelation after another that will leave you shaking your head, like one particular source Nuzzi quotes, whom she identifies thus: This person “who speaks to the president often — or, more accurately, who listens and says uh-huh as the president speaks — said that Trump is not just done for, but done. ‘He wants to lose. He’s out of money. He worries about being arrested. He worried about being assassinated.’” And as you reach the end of the wild ride, Nuzzi leaves you with one last quote from a right-wing source who sums up the insanity of the perpetual campaign so perfectly. You can almost see a devil-may-care shrugging of the shoulders from this person, who mused about the insanity of 2020: “Sometimes you own the libs, sometimes the libs own you.”



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