Home Business This Week’s Most-Liked Tweet: ‘Less Air Pollution’ Reveals Universal Pictures Logo In...

This Week’s Most-Liked Tweet: ‘Less Air Pollution’ Reveals Universal Pictures Logo In The Sky



A French CG artist created an image that appeared to show the iconic Universal Pictures logo floating in the sky due to “less air pollution” from the worldwide stay-at-home orders enacted because of coronavirus, in a tweet that received the most likes on Twitter this week, according to data compiled by the social media tracking firm NewsWhip.


Paris, France resident Romain Revert posted the tweet April 13: “Due to less air pollution the sky is so clear! I can see the Universal logo!,” Revert wrote, including a photo that showed the Universal logo seemingly floating in the clear blue sky.

As of Sunday afternoon, the tweet had racked up over 1.4 million likes and over 324,000 retweets; in another tweet, Revert said he made the image and posted a screencaptured video that showed how he did it.

“I was blown away by the reactions,” Revert told Forbes. “It took me 30 minutes to make that image on Maya and Photoshop. I thought I will get 2 likes top, it was just for fun.”

A drop in air pollution is a documented side effect of stay-at-home orders enacted by governments across the world, according to The Atlantic, with satellites detecting a significant decrease in nitrogen dioxide.

By early April, some towns in India could see the Himalaya Mountains for the first time in decades after manufacturing ground to a halt, dispersing suspended particulate matter that was in the air.

NewsWhip’s Twitter engagement data comes from its database of influential users, which tracks around 350,000 accounts.

Big number 

4,000 young children and 73,000 elderly adults. That’s how many people’s lives have possibly been saved in China over two months due to the drop in air pollution, according to analysis from Stanford University.

Key background

The coronavirus pandemic has been devastating, but the dramatic slowing of human activity seems to have benefited the environment. Besides the drop in air pollution, The Atlantic reported that seismologists are more easily able to detect earthquakes. Before the pandemic, activity from trains and automobiles would be detected by seismic stations. Noise pollution in urban areas also seems to have dropped, with one researcher at Boston University detecting a 30 decibel decrease in what is normally a busy intersection near campus. The oceans are also quieter as cruise ships stop sailing, according to a Cornell University researcher, when ambient noise from ships has been shown to increase stress hormones in marine animals. 

Further reading

The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down (The Atlantic)

The Coronavirus Offers A Radical New Vision For India’s Cities (The New Yorker)

COVID-19 Reduces Economic Activity, Which Reduces Pollution, Which Saves Lives (Stanford University)

The Most Popular Tweet This Week Is The Comedic Relief We All Need From Coronavirus News (Forbes)

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