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Todd McFarlane’s Urgent Warning To The Comics Industry: ‘We Can’t Just Sit Here And Do Nothing!’

Todd McFarlane’s Urgent Warning To The Comics Industry: ‘We Can’t Just Sit Here And Do Nothing!’

Todd McFarlane wears many hats: President of Image Comics, North America’s largest independent comics publisher (and #3 overall behind Marvel and DC), which he cofounded in 1992; CEO of McFarlane Toys, purveyors of quality-made collectible toys and action figures; creator of Spawn, the long-running supernatural series that recently set the record for most consecutive issues of a creator owned comic; and a charismatic ambassador of comics culture who’s not afraid to ruffle feathers with his strong views.

On April 8, McFarlane is launching his first crowdfunding campaign, a Kickstarter with a $100,000 target to produce a “Remastered” collectors’ item Spawn action figure and limited edition comic, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the first version from 1995, with an option to have it autographed by McFarlane himself. In the course of an interview to promote the new project and update the status of the Spawn reboot feature film, he offered opinions on a number of issues facing the comics industry in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, including hot buttons like whether publishers should turn to digital releases while physical product is unavailable. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Rob Salkowitz: Tell me about the original Spawn figure Kickstarter. Why go the crowdfunding route?

Todd McFarlane: Having been in business for over 30 years, I’ve done all the other channels. I’ve done dotcoms, small stores, collector boutiques, and obviously big retailers. What I’ve never done is crowdfunding. It’s an experiment. We’ve been talking about it for a while and now seemed like a good time to try it. Once we have it going, we’ll have some data to know what’s working and what isn’t.

The fact is, we have to do something. Things have changed in our industry, obviously, both on the toy side and the comics side. No new comics are coming out. That’s a really dangerous situation – not just for us but for any consumer industry that relies on established customer habits. If you give your customer a chance to break their habit, they might not come back.

I understand how we got here and why we’re at a standstill, but even if the distributor [Diamond] is down, we can’t just sit here and do nothing. So I’m trying to do something. Remember, even if we’re not going to stores or movies right now, geeks will always be geeks! So we need to find ways to keep what we do on the minds of customers however we can.

RS: You’ve now done over 300 consecutive issues of Spawn to set a record for a creator-owned title. Do you see that continuing indefinitely? Are you still excited about telling stories with that character and that world?

TM: I’m going to my grave with Spawn! I know some people run their course with certain ideas – those are creative decisions. I’ve got almost 30 years of that character. I don’t feel tired in the least. And it’s one area of the business where I have control. I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission, I don’t have to deal with outside influences. It’s my haven when I start questioning the sanity of my fellow humans, I can just go and do my own thing with my own character. Now that doesn’t prevent me from coming up with other ideas, but I like having it there for me.

RS: What’s the status of the Spawn feature film reboot? It sounded like you may have hit a snag last month. Can fans still look forward to the Jamie Foxx/Jeremy Renner version, or is that on hold?

TM: Those reports were not quite accurate. There is someone – a major talent behind the camera – we had our eyes on and it didn’t work out. It happens. But we didn’t lose anyone, because we never had them. So we’re on the trail of someone else now. It would be a giant headline if we can get the person we’re looking at.

That said, we’re not idle. Jamie [Foxx] is maybe even more enthusiastic about doing this than I am. Even if it’s only two of us, it will be Jamie and myself!

RS: Have you had any talks with streaming services to bring Spawn or other properties to the screen that way?

TM: We’ve had those conversations. People ask why not a TV show instead of a movie? Part of it is I’ve never directed a feature film. I had an itch to scratch. This might be my only chance. I’ve held on to the rights to attach myself to it. If it works out, we can always bring it over to television.

Can we do it as a feature and release to a streamer? Sure, maybe. But there’s something to having your picture on a big screen, assuming that’s still an option once this is all over.

RS: In this age where media companies are so hungry for proven content, why has this particular property proven such a challenge?

TM: There’s a couple things. I wrote the first draft of the screenplay. If I’d done my job and written a screenplay that mattered, that would have sold it. I’m culpable on that end to start with. Then there’s the fear and risk on the financing side with a first time writer, first time director. That’s why I went to get Jason Blum to produce, and attached Jamie and Jeremy – to add the quality to it. My goal is to continue to add those kind of quality people at all levels. The more I can add those people, the less I become relevant as a risk. Hopefully the studios will see that I am planning accordingly and going about this in a businesslike way to reduce that back-end risk, and at some point, we’ll move forward.

RS: Pivoting to current events, this is a pretty dire time for the whole comics and collectibles business, with so many retail stores shut down and the distributor halting operations. You’ve been through a moment like this before in the late 90s… do you have any thoughts on how retailers can weather this?

TM: Look, we’ve had downturns. We lost a lot of customers in the 90s. This is different. Now we have zero customers and zero new printed comics. As an industry, we’ve never stared at a zero before. It’s completely unprecedented. And we don’t know where it’s going or when it will end.

We can try to save retail all we want, but it’s tough if consumers can’t go to stores. Everything needs demand. What’s the demand going to be once we open up? Will people be more conservative about spending? Will they decide they can live without [comics] for three or four months, so maybe they don’t need to spend their money them? Or some people have money and want to buy new stuff, but the stores are out of business? There are a lot of unknowns.

RS: Is there anything the publishers can do?

TM: I think the industry needs a consistent message. Whatever that message is, right or wrong, we need to be consistent, even if we have to adjust it. But we really need to speak with one voice, not four or five different publishers running four or five different programs and methodologies. It just ends up confusing the retailers and the customers.

If they put me in charge – and no one wants that, I understand! – here’s what I’d do. I’d take Image, Dark Horse, Marvel and DC – the top 90% of the market – and make a message from the four of us as a unified front, one message.

At the very least, I’d say that, surely amongst the leaders, we can throw in 10 new comics for free as digital downloads. Top titles, the ones people really want to read. We can afford it. It doesn’t necessarily help the retailers but we can’t allow customers to lose that exercise of being geeks, of getting their regular dose to keep their geekiness going with comics instead of moving on to some other thing like streaming video or gaming. Because they will. We need to engage people in comics, and if we’re not doing new comics, I don’t get how we can keep them interested.

People say, “Do they have to be free? Couldn’t they be 99 cents?” And for me, the answer is yes, free. We’ve done ok. We can afford to give something back.

Then, once this is over, we can do 3-5 events to give people a reason back into stores. Maybe we can coordinate the timing for once, so each company gets a turn in the spotlight. Maybe do some cross company stuff, to make it sexy. Maybe the industry will be diminished; it depends how long it goes. It’s unknown. But whatever is left is the new norm. We’ll need to adjust and work from there.

RS: Retailers have expressed concerns that if publishers release new content digitally, it will end up hurting them. On the other hand, you have fans sitting at home, hungry for new content, who’d probably pay for digital copies in the short term that could help publishers and creators. Where do you stand on how that should play out?

TM: I don’t agree [with retailers]. Doing nothing can’t be the answer. If we all stand still and hold our breath, how does that improve what we’re doing now?

If I put Spawn out digitally for free or at discount for a few months, does that mean customers won’t buy those issues at retail? Maybe not. But I say to the stores, don’t worry about getting issues 307, 308, 309 that come out when you’re closed and can’t get printed copies anyway. Fans will come back for #310 when things reopen. They’ll come back for Batman or whatever they’re reading. Who cares about the number? It’s a comic you’re selling at the same price. Who cares if people get it a different way in the meantime?

Here’s what I know about addicts. The longer they go sober, the easier it is to stay sober. We don’t want our customers to break that habit. Consumers will be filling their time somehow. Why let a competitor fill that with streaming media or games? We need to fill it.

We as the companies have the power to make that happen. Remember, back in 2011, retailers didn’t want digital comics to come out on the same day and date as print comics, thinking it would doom the industry. They were wrong. It helped sales! We have an industry that’s built around weekly gatherings – conventions- where people come to the conventions and get their books signed, not their iPads. They need something physical. That’s never going away. We can’t look at other models like music and be afraid of what happened to record stores because of digital. We have uniqueness we can cherish and rally around.

RS: Looking ahead, is there a way to shore things up for the future?

TM: We have one distributor for print comics, and they decided for safety reasons to cease operations. Because we’re all tied to one person, that one decision affects the whole industry. It was probably was the right decision, but it’s not healthy in the long run for one person to hold the fate of the entire industry. We should be doing a reassessment when we all come out on the other side and ask some hard questions about how to buffer ourselves from this happening again.



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