Home Business Trump Announces That Sudan Will Normalize Relations With Israel

Trump Announces That Sudan Will Normalize Relations With Israel

Trump Announces That Sudan Will  Normalize Relations With Israel


President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan had agreed to establish diplomatic ties with Israel, making it the third Arab state to do so under the Trump Administration-brokered peace deals, known as the “Abraham Accords.”

Key Facts

The peace deal came shortly after Trump announced a plan to remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, which the country has been on for 27 years.

Trump said Monday he would lift the terrorist classification once Sudan deposited $335 million into an escrow account – the money would go to the victims and families of state sponsored terror attacks, including the attacks on U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000.

In August, Trump announced an “historic peace agreement” between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, followed just a month later by a similar deal with Bahrain

Palestinians have called the peace deals “a stab in the back” which upend the decades-long strategy of prioritizing a Palestinian state over diplomatic ties with Israel.

Key Background

Sudan’s removal from the terror list will give a much needed boost to the country’s fledgling democracy, opening the doors to international loans, military aid and helping the transitional government revive an economy left in tatters by strongman Omar al-Bahir, who was overthrown in 2019. Sudan’s prime minister, Abdalla Hamdok, has campaigned for months to have his country taken off the terror list, and has passed a long list of reforms to show the country has turned a corner.

Surprising Fact

Five Middle Eastern countries in total have normalized relations with Israel. Jordan did so in 1994, and Egypt in 1979.

What To Watch For

Other Arab countries are likely to join, with analysts saying a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel might not be far off. Bahrain has very close ties to Saudi Arabia and it’s unlikely it would have agreed to normalize ties with Israel without consulting the Saudis. In a possible sign of things to come, the Saudi Arabia opened their airspace to Israeli commercial flights in September.


While on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office announcing the Sudanese Israeli peace deal, Trump appeared to try to get Netanyahu to bad mouth his Democratic presidential challenger, former vice president Joe Biden. “Do you think Sleepy Joe could have made this deal, Bibi, Sleepy Joe?” Trump said. “Well, Mr. President, one thing I can tell you is we appreciate the help for peace from anyone in America. And we appreciate what you have done enormously,” Netanyahu answered awkwardly.

Further Reading

Trump announces that Israel and Sudan have agreed to normalize relations (CNN)

‘It’s a New Day’: Sudan Exults in Move to Take It Off List of Terror States (New York Times)

Trump: Sudan to join UAE, Bahrain in recognizing Israel (Associated Press)



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