Home Business Trump Claims He’s Done More For Blacks Than Any President Besides Lincoln

Trump Claims He’s Done More For Blacks Than Any President Besides Lincoln



President Donald Trump said he has done more for the black community than any other president besides Abraham Lincoln in an interview with Fox News that aired Friday.


Trump told Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner that he believes he has done the most good for black Americans, with the exception of Lincoln, saying that while “[Lincoln] did good, although it’s always questionable.”

Faulker, a black woman, stopped the president to point out that black Americans “are free now,” to which Trump replied, “You understand what I mean. So I’m going to take a pass on Honest Abe, as we call him,” and did not appear to clarify what was “questionable” about Lincoln.

Trump said he passed criminal justice reform, saying “nobody else could have done it,” but adding that he didn’t “get a lot of notoriety in the fact that people I did it for then go on television and thank everybody but me, and they needed me to get it done.”

The president appears to be taking credit for the First Step Act, a sweeping bipartisan criminal justice reform bill he signed into law in 2018.

Trump also said he provided long-term funding for historically black colleges and universities in his three years in office, and has helped redirect resources to opportunity zones, or low-income areas where new investments may be eligible for tax breaks.


Trump has made similar statements before about having done the most for black Americans as president. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 amid the Civil War, declaring free the upward of 3 million enslaved Americans living in the Confederate states. The abolition of slavery was written into the Constitution in 1965 with the adoption of the 13th Amendment. Trump has been panned by critics this week for scheduling his first post-pandemic campaign rally for June 19, or Juneteenth, the day the end of slavery is celebrated, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a city where one of the worst acts of racial violence in U.S. history, the Tulsa race massacre, took place.  Trump said the move was not intentional, but that the rally would be treated as a “celebration.”


Trump: Tulsa Rally On Juneteenth Accidental, But Will Be ‘A Celebration’ (Forbes)

Here’s Why Critics Say Trump’s Juneteenth Rally In Tulsa Is ‘Overt Racism’ (Forbes)

Trump To Start Campaign Rallies On Juneteenth In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Where Coronavirus Cases Are Spiking (Forbes)



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