Home Business Trump Is Behind In A Way That Could Swing The 2020 Election

Trump Is Behind In A Way That Could Swing The 2020 Election

Trump Is Behind In A Way That Could Swing The 2020 Election

Biden’s head-to-head poll chances in the key state of Wisconsin look better than Clinton’s (who lost the state) but not a good as Obama’s (who won the state twice).

  • Ahead of Tuesday’s primary election in Wisconsin, Biden has a polling lead of 62% to Sanders’ 34% according to a recent poll from Marquette Law School conducted March 24-29
  • In a head-to-head general election matchup, Biden leads Trump 48% to 45%. The margin of error in the recent poll is +/- 4.2% — larger than the polling difference of 3%.

Wisconsin is a crucial state for the upcoming presidential election. Hillary Clinton lost the state in 2016 by about 27,000 votes. Along with losing Michigan (by about 12,000 votes) and Pennsylvania (by about 68,000 votes), those three states handed President Trump the electoral college victory.

So, can Joe Biden do better and beat Donald Trump in November? Currently, his pre-election chances look better than Clinton’s, but not as good as Obama’s.

On the eve of the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump in the Wisconsin polls 46.8% to 40.3% (with 12.9% not committed to either candidate pre-election) according to the Real Clear Politics polling average. In the election itself, Clinton’s final percentage of the vote (46.9%), was nearly identical to her pre-election forecast. Donald Trump won Wisconsin with 47.9% of the election-day votes — a 7.6% improvement from his pre-election polling that came largely from late-deciding voters (and those who may have not wanted to tell pollsters that they planned to vote for Trump).

Clinton’s pre-election polling lead at 46.8% was not enough to prevent a Trump win, especially if late-deciding voters broke heavily for Trump (which happened). In contrast, in 2012 President Obama led Mitt Romney in Wisconsin’s pre-election polls by 50.4% to 46.2% (with 3.4% not committed to either candidate pre-election).

Unlike the 2016 election, in 2012:

  1. Obama could only lose if there was a polling error that took his share of the electorate meaningfully under 50% (enough for Romney to pass him) — whereas Clinton, with only 46.8% pre-election 2016, left enough room for Trump to overtake her without any of her pre-election voters having to switch.
  2. Only a small percentage (3.4%) remained uncommitted to either candidate pre-election in 2012 — whereas there was nearly 13% in 2016, more than enough to for Trump to earn a comeback victory in the final results.

Now Biden leads Trump 48% to 45% (with a considerable +/- 4.2% margin of error). If such a head-to-head lead held until the eve of the election, Biden would be in a better position than Clinton in 2016. Even with an election day bump, Trump would have to earn a higher share of the Wisconsin vote than he did in 2016 to carry the state: 48% or more vs. approximately 47% in 2016.

Unlike 2016, where 13% of voters were uncommitted to either major party candidate pre-election, that percentage is down to 7% in the recent 2020 poll. While there are less uncommitted voters for Trump to potentially persuade, there is also less ground for Trump to make up. Biden only holds a 3% lead. Trump could win Wisconsin without having to take any pre-election votes from Biden, so long as he could win enough of that 7% currently uncommitted. This is a better position for Trump than Romney had pre-election in 2012, when Obama polled at over 50% pre-election, with less than 3.5% uncommitted.

And what about Bernie Sanders? Would he have a better shot against Trump?

The latest poll in Wisconsin suggests that Sanders would not. Sanders is trailing Trump 45% to 47%. This is worse than Biden in the same poll and worse than Clinton pre-election in 2016. Trump also receives 2% more of the vote if his opponent is Sanders instead of Biden. With Biden likely to win the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday, and the Democratic Party primary altogether, this potential alternative matchup may be moot.

As for Biden’s current head-to-head polling, much could change between now and November. Wisconsin remains crucial in 2020. Biden’s most recent polling falls in the unknown space between the Democratic loss in 2016 and the win in 2012.




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