Home Business Trump Testing Chief Brett Giroir Says To ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine

Trump Testing Chief Brett Giroir Says To ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine

Trump Testing Chief Brett Giroir Says To ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine


Adm. Brett Giroir, the Trump administration’s coronavirus testing czar, said Sunday that “we need to move on” from Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that President Trump has frequently touted as a potential treatment for coronavirus even in the face of mounting evidence of its inefficiency or even harm.


“Most physicians and prescribers are evidence-based and they’re not influenced by whatever is on Twitter or anything else. And the evidence just does not show Hydroxychloroquine is effective right now,” Giroir said on NBC’s Meet The Press.

While noting that the drug looked “very promising at first,” Giroir said that five randomized, controlled studies of the drug have failed to show any benefit to the drug and that “we don’t recommend that as a treatment.”

“We need to move on from that and talk about what is effective,” Giroir stated, pointing to more proven treatments like Remdesivir and steroids–which he said reduces mortality by 30%–as alternatives.

Giroir also expressed optimism about various ongoing trials of potential vaccines, saying that a vaccine “looks very promising right now”

The remarks bolster statements by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, during an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday that “the scientific data and the evidence… show consistently that Hydroxychloroquine is not effective in the treatment of coronavirus disease or Covid-19.”

Key Background

Throughout the pandemic, Trump has pushed Hydroxychloroquine as a “miracle” treatment for the virus despite little evidence to back up his claims. Trump promoted the drug constantly between March and May, highlighting success stories and even announcing in May that he was taking the drug prophylactically, despite an NIH warning against its use.

News Peg

Trump’s promotion of the drug dwindled in June before cropping back up again last week after he tweeted a misleading video promoting it. The video featured a group of doctors–self-dubbed “America’s Frontline Doctors”–incorrectly claiming that masks and shutdowns are ineffective in combating the virus but that Hydroxychloroquine is a “cure for Covid.” One of the doctors in the video, a pediatrician and preacher named Stella Immanuel, was found to have made a number of outrageous claims, first reported by the Daily Beast’s Will Sommer, including that alien DNA is used in medical treatments, that scientists are working on a drug to ward off religiosity and that gynecological ailments are caused by people having sex with demons and witches in a dream world. Presented with some of those claims at a White House briefing on Tuesday, Trump called Immanuel “very impressive” and an “important voice,” labelling America’s Frontline Doctors “very respected doctors.”

Chief Critic

Former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump’s presumptive Democratic opponent, harshly condemned Trump’s embrace of Immanuel on Wednesday. Trump, he said, should “stop going on and talking about this crazy woman he talked about last night, who is an absolute disgrace.”

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