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Trump Urges Health Facilities To Re-Open In Areas With ‘No Evidence’ Of Coronavirus Rebound

Trump Urges Health Facilities To Re-Open In Areas With ‘No Evidence’ Of Coronavirus Rebound

The Trump administration Tuesday issued guidelines for healthcare facilities on how to re-open to serve patients in “states and regions with no evidence of a rebound” of the coronavirus strain Covid-19.

In areas of the U.S. considered “phase 2,” new recommendations were issued to “provide guidance to health systems and patients as COVID-19 cases decline,” according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The recommendations included warnings that facilities provide areas “newly created” that should designate separate buildings, rooms or floors for Covid-19 patients “with a separate entrance and minimal crossover with COVID-19 care.”

For the most part, the Trump administration is urging health systems to proceed with caution while urging Americans to continue to use telehealth services when they are available with officials continuing to recommend the need to minimize the need for in-person services.”

In a new document released Tuesday, CMS said all individuals at higher risk for severe COVID-19 illness “should continue to shelter in place unless their conditions warrant in-person healthcare.”

Meanwhile, healthcare systems and their clinicians must reserve enough hospital capacity to provide treatment for a potential surge in Covid-19 patients, the guidelines said, “including plans for rapid deployment of alternative care sites through the Hospitals Without Walls program,” which is linked here.

“While telehealth has proven to be a lifeline, nothing can absolutely replace the gold standard: in-person care,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said in a statement accompanying the new guidelines. “Americans need their healthcare and our healthcare heroes are working overtime to deliver it safely. Those needing operations, vaccinations, procedures, preventive care, or evaluation for chronic conditions should feel confident seeking in-person care when recommended by their provider.”



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