Home Business UFC Champ Jon Jones Pleads Guilty To DWI Avoids Jail Time

UFC Champ Jon Jones Pleads Guilty To DWI Avoids Jail Time


UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones pleaded guilty on Tuesday to driving while intoxicated. 

Albuquerque police arrested Jones on Thursday and charged him with aggravated DWI, negligent use of a firearm, possession of an open container and driving without proof of insurance. Police were investigating a report of a gunshot being fired when they found Jones in his car. Jones failed a sobriety test, his breathalyzer test registered more than twice the legal limit.

Thanks to a plea deal, the negligent use of a firearm, possession of an open container and driving without proof of insurance will be dropped. 

Jones received 96 hours of house arrest and one year probation in exchange for his guilty plea. Jones may also be required to wear an ankle monitor during his house arrest, complete 48 hours of community service, pay a $500 fine, complete a 90-day drug treatment outpatient program, and install an ignition interlock device in his car, according to MMA Fighting.

Jones released a statement following his plea deal:

“While we all work to understand and cope with stress and uncertainties surrounding the current state of our world, I want to express how truly disappointed I am that I have become the source of a negative headline again, especially during these trying times. I am disappointed for letting down the people I care about the most, my family, friends and my fans. This morning I entered into a plea deal with the Albuquerque DA’s office. I accept full responsibility for my actions and I know that I have some personal work to do to which involves the unhealthy relationship I have with alcohol.”

“I have dedicated so much time and energy to improve my community, and I will not allow this personal setback to hinder my work within the community when we need it most. I truly appreciate the support I have received from the community of Albuquerque and all my fans around the world. I very much look forward to putting this behind me. Thanks you all for your continued love and support and please take care of yourselves.”

The 32-year-old Jones has had several run-ins with the law since he joined the UFC in 2008. 

  • Arrested in 2012 for driving under the influence after crashing his Bentley
    into a pole in N.Y.
  • Arrested in 2015 for hit-and-run in Albuquerque N.M. Ran through red light, crashed into two vehicles and left scene on foot, turned himself in after warrant issued.
  • Given three traffic tickets in 2016 – driving without a license, registration and proof of insurance.
  • Given five traffic tickets in 2016 – drag racing, exhibition driving, use of modification of exhaust systems, not maintaining traffic lanes and the improper display of a registration plate
  • Charged with battery in July 2019 after he allegedly slapped a waitress in a strip club in her genital area and put her in a chokehold.

Jones is expected to defend his UFC title some time later in 2020.

The UFC has not commented on Jones’ guilty plea. 




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