Home Business Wave Of George Floyd Protests Continues Into Sixth Day

Wave Of George Floyd Protests Continues Into Sixth Day



Protests across major US cities entered into the sixth day on Sunday as demonstrators outraged at the death of unarmed black man George Floyd were undeterred by curfews in their calls for justice.


Protests and dozens of arrests have so far taken place across 75 U.S. cities including Minneapolis, LA, New York, Chicago, Salt Lake City and Seattle, with demonstrators vowing to continue until all four police officers involved in Floyds death are arrested and charged.

Hundreds of protesters stayed out in Minneapolis past the 8 p.m. curfew on Saturday, with one 20-year-old protester telling Al Jazeera that going home would send “the wrong message that they can shut us up when they want to, and that’s not the case here.”

Demonstrators remained despite police using tear gas to disperse them, and after Minneapolis sent its biggest deployment of the National Guard since World War Two into the city earlier on Saturday.

In Indianapolis, one person was killed and a further two people were shot, police chief Randal Taylor said, while an unknown number of arrests were made overnight and tear gas deployed amid clashes between police and protesters.

California governor Gavin Newson has declared a state of emergency, while officials in LA, Washington DC Washington state, Kentucky, Georgia and Ohio also deployed the National Guard.

Protesters in Atlanta have been urged to get tested for coronavirus, with Mayor Keisha Bottoms saying: “There is still a pandemic in America that’s killing Black and Brown people at higher numbers.” Public health experts have urged protesters to wear masks amid concencerns that coronavirus infections could skyrocket.

Journalists were also hit by police in Minneapolis: two Reuters reporters who were labelled as ‘PRESS’ say they took rubber bullets after the curfew came into force.

San Francisco is imposing a curfew from 8 p.m. on Sunday, joining Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Rochester and Miami Dade County.


Crucial quote

“We haven’t seen a spasm of riots like this since the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968,” historian Douglas Brinkley told CNN’s Brian Stelter.

He added: “There were more deadly and expensive riots in the 1960’s — like Newark, Detroit and Watts — but there is no comparison to the toxic combination of George Floyd’s murder, Covid-19 and economic depression. 2020 is an election year and our entire democratic process is bursting at the seams.”

News peg

Floyd’s death has brought out huge crowds of protesters across the U.S. under the rallying cry of “I can’t breathe” in a restart of widespread marches and demonstrations against the death of black people in police custody. The death of the 46-year-old has drawn comparisons to the death of Eric Garner in 2014, an unarmed black man who died after being put in a chokehold by the NYPD. The tensions come amid a backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic that has hit the U.S. the hardest and triggered widespread economic unrest and tens of millions of job losses.

Key background

The death of George Floyd sparked outrage in Minneapolis that has since spread across the nation and prompted protests in Canada and parts of Europe. Floyd died in hospital after police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than 8 minutes as four officers attempted to detain him for allegedly using a fake $20 bill. A disturbing video of the events went viral, showing Floyd expressing pain and saying “I can’t breathe”. Chauvin, was arrested and charged with third degree murder and manslaughter on Friday following a night of protests, but Floyd’s family say he should be charged with first degree murder. An active investigation into the other three officers—Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng who were also fired—is ongoing and they may still be charged.

Further reading

George Floyd Protests Continue Across U.S. For Fifth Day: Joe Biden Condemns Violent Protests (Forbes)

Minnesota Freedom Fund Raises $20 Million In 4 Days Amid George Floyd Protests (Forbes)

George Floyd protesters: ‘We don’t need a curfew, we need change’ (Al Jazeera)

‘I can’t breathe’ protests heat up as curfews imposed in several U.S. cities (Reuters)



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