Home Business ‘We Will Definitely Get Our Growth Back’, PM Modi Exudes Confidence

‘We Will Definitely Get Our Growth Back’, PM Modi Exudes Confidence

‘We Will Definitely Get Our Growth Back’, PM Modi Exudes Confidence

New Delhi: ‘India will definitely get its growth back’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi exuded confidence, while addressing CII’s annual general meeting on Tuesday. Speaking to the industry leaders via video conference, PM Modi said that he gets the confidence from farmers, small businesses and entrepreneurs for getting the economic growth back.  “Corona may have slowed our speed (of growth) but India has now moved ahead from lockdown with the phase one of unlock. Unlock Phase-1 has reopened a large part of the economy,” he said. Also Read – Man Who Stole a Bike to Reach Home During Lockdown Couriers It Back To Owner After 15 Days

“Today, on the one hand we’ve to save lives of our countrymen&on the other hand, we’ve to stabilize country’s economy. In this situation, CII has started the talk of “Getting Growth Back”& I congratulate all the people of Indian industry for this”, the Prime Minister stated. Also Read – Naagin Actor Pearl V Puri Transfers Money Directly to Spot Boys Bank Account Amid Coronavirus Crisis

He also assured that the Centre has taken immediate decisions for re-strengthening economy against Corona, one of the highest priorities of his government. PM apprised that the direction in which the government is moving today, there will be many new opportunities for the youth. Also Read – After Covid-19 & Measles, Congo Hit By New Ebola Outbreak; ‘Can 2020 Get Any Worse’ Asks Twitter

“Be it our mining sector, energy sector or research and technology, in every field there will be many new opportunities for youth of the country”, PM Modi said.

Furthermore, he pitched for Aatmanirbhar (Self-reliant) Bharat. He said that Intent, Inclusion, Investment, Infrastructure and Innovation— these five things are important to speed up India’s development and make it ‘aatmanirbhar’.



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