Home Business What’s In The Record-Breaking $2 Trillion Stimulus Package?

What’s In The Record-Breaking $2 Trillion Stimulus Package?

What’s In The Record-Breaking  Trillion Stimulus Package?

After several days of negotiations, the U.S. Senate is voting tonight on a third bill to combat the coronavirus crisis. Whereas the first two bills focused on funding medical research and providing economic support to victims of the virus, the “Phase 3” stimulus bill is a massive rescue package for the broader American economy. It would cost approximately $2 trillion – more than ten times the amount spent on the first two coronavirus bills combined, and more than double the cost of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was the largest stimulus bill enacted following the 2008 financial crisis. 

So how does Congress propose to allocate the most-expensive economic rescue package in American history?

Funding Essential Health Programs

The top economic priority right now is containing the coronavirus pandemic itself. Although many Republicans have suggested easing restrictive public health measures to reduce economic pressure, the reality is that doing so would result in millions of deaths while doing little to improve conditions for business. Neither workers, nor their employers, nor consumers can resume full commercial activity so long as open society feels unsafe. The latest bill rightfully invests $130 billion to support hospitals and healthcare workers directly fighting the coronavirus.

Expanded Unemployment Benefits

Everyone collecting unemployment benefits will receive an additional $600 per week for the next four months after the new bill becomes law, meaning that the average unemployment benefit will roughly equal the median wage. As a result, some lower-income workers will actually be paid more in unemployment insurance benefits than they would receive had they never lost their job. Several Republican senators threatened to derail the legislation at the last minute over concerns about the incentives this provision might create for employers considering whether or not to lay off lower-income workers. The unfortunate reality, however, is that state unemployment systems are unequipped to calculate benefits perfectly equal to a worker’s lost wages (the original policy objective) in a timely manner, forcing lawmakers to fall back on this less-precise substitute.

Checks to Individuals

American adults are eligible for a refundable tax credit of up to $1200, while children are entitled to a smaller credit of up to $500. The credit’s value declines with incomes over $75,000 for individuals (or $150,000 for married couples) and would be paid out to households now based on their 2019 income (or 2018 income if they didn’t yet file their tax return). This means someone who experiences a significant drop in income between 2019 and 2020 may not benefit from the credit until next year. On the other hand, someone who receives a check based on a prior year’s income but would not qualify based on their 2020 income does not have to pay any of it back. This structure results in worse targeting of benefits to those in need than a similar one I proposed last week, which would give everyone the full credit today and claw it back from high-income taxpayers in future tax returns (effectively making it an interest-free loan for all that only the wealthiest have to pay back). 

Aid to State and Local Governments

Most states and localities have balanced budget requirements that prohibit their governments from deliberately running a deficit even in tough economic times, which compels them to raise taxes or cut spending during recessions when doing the opposite would be far better for the economy. The second coronavirus bill took the smart step of providing financial relief to state governments by increasing the federal matching rate for Medicaid payments, but more needed to be done. The Phase 3 stimulus bill creates a $150 billion fund to supplement their budgets and prevent the reduction of essential services.

Support for Small Businesses

Preventing the death of small businesses and keeping workers attached to their employers is critical for ensuring the economy can quickly start back up again after the health-related shutdown ends. The new bill authorizes up to $350 billion in emergency lending for this purpose. Small businesses will be eligible to receive loans capped at 2.5 times their monthly payroll expenses, including expected tips for tipped workers but excluding employees earning more than six figures. Importantly, the balance of these loans would be completely forgiven if a business maintains salary and benefits for its workforce, meaning that these payments are more likely to function as direct subsidies rather than loans paid back to taxpayers. Alternatively, small businesses can avail themselves of a refundable “employee retention” tax credit that would offset the cost of employment taxes (such as the employer-side payroll tax) during the period in which their operations are fully or partially suspended by the coronavirus crisis. The credit could be applied to all wages for employers with fewer than 100 employees, while the benefit is capped at $10,000 in wages per employee for larger employers.

Loans to Distressed Industries, Cities, and States

The bill also makes an additional $500 billion available in loans and loan guarantees to airlines and other larger businesses severely affected by the coronavirus crisis, as well as businesses deemed essential for national security and state and local governments. The original proposal crafted by Senate Republicans would have given the Treasury Secretary broad discretion how to disburse these funds with no oversight or public disclosure of beneficiaries for up to six months. This “slush fund” was a major point of contention between the parties, and Democrats stood firm in demanding public accountability. As a result, these funds will now be subject to a congressional oversight board and an independent inspector general to investigate potential abuse, much like the 2008 Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Perhaps most importantly, businesses owned by the president, vice president, cabinet secretaries, members of congress, or any of their families would be prohibited from receiving any of these funds – a huge win for critics concerned about this administration’s track record of blatant corruption and self-dealing. The federal government will also be able to take equity from companies that accept any financial support, helping taxpayers recoup some of the cost.

Even More May Be Needed

Although this economic rescue package is incredibly expensive (representing roughly a tenth of gross domestic product), additional spending may be needed in the coming months if our public health system fails to subdue the coronavirus pandemic. As costs mount, policymakers in both parties must prioritize critical economic support and resist the temptation to use emergency spending bills as a vehicle for unrelated ideological measures. Moreover, they should structure future stimulus measures as automatic stabilizers directly tied to the health of our economy. Doing so will ensure adequate economic support continues for as long as the crisis demands it while also preventing emergency policies from exacerbating record budget deficits after the economy has fully recovered.




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